Got 3 trees to bring down, log out, and split. And I've been fighting a plugged up low-speed circuit in the carb on my el-cheap-o Homelite chainsaw all friggin' morning. She runs like a banshee once the revs are right, (high), but dogs like crazy when it starts to bog down. I'm seriously about to use the high speed remote hole punch (.45 caliber) on this thing and go spend the money on a $350 Echo chainsaw. I know, I know, it's because I didn't need to use it during the summer, and I slacked off in running it once in awhile to keep the passages clear. But it's annoying as all heck. Despite being a Homelite, when it runs decent it's actually a usable tool. Shoulda learnt' my lesson on weedeaters. My wife threw a conniption fit when I bought a $350 line trimmer, Echo of course..... But she realized the value of it because you choke it, pump the bulb 3-4 times, pull it over till it sputters, then take the choke off, give it a pull, and it's running. Quality tools. The Homelight she bought would flat wear you out trying to start it. I swear I could have pulled the weeds faster by hand than by the time that thing was running.
I've been burning pallets, because work gets them by the metric ton, we have 60-70 in storage, and they're free. I do need a pallet discombobulator though. I've been using a SawZall with a demolition blade to cut the slats, and manhandling the rest of it apart. I enjoy the activity, but these are nice oak pallets, and I'd like to re-use some of the decent wood. The pine ones do go up good in the firepit or fireplace, though. Note to self - get a creosote clearing log this weekend.
So, that's my POTD. Trying to resist the urge to feed my chainsaw into a chipper-shredder, remote-hole-punch it (with it running full tilt, of course), or go buy an expensive chainsaw I'll use a couple of times a year........
Raggin' Fraggin Bezaggin' two-bit low down chunk of haragin' laggin' poo chainsaw.
I don't want to fiddle with it, I want to cut wood, haul wood, split wood, stack wood, and eventually burn wood. Not fiddle-fart around with this dang saw.