Thanks dan, I'm not sure about the issue but I did contact speedy metals and they may replace the stock. Sucks cause I already got time into this part, odd thing is Side A shows no sign of the streaks, the ground finish is as expected, perfect. When I flipped the part to grind B and touched off, taking the wheel down another half thou it didn't hit the streaks... so after that pass I moved the Z -.0015 for a final roughing pass, and you could hear and see everytime the wheel passed over the streaks. Also now that I think about it, when I side milled the ends I used an 11/16ths hss em, cleaned up nice but you could see the light area in the center, for no reason other than to try I chucked a 5fl half inch carbide finish em and spun it to 4200rpm and fed at 5ipm, .0013 doc, it also required multiple passes as the first pass left the hollows just like when ground. Very strange, like those areas drew back.