2015 POTD Thread Archive

I've got a old miller 350 amp Tig/Stick with high freak. that sets unused for a least 5 years, After I got my miller mig with the spool gun I haven't used it.

Sure can, did you do up a solid works motion to see if it's all good?
Watching some probe videos they hit the part and deflect a pretty good distance then return and touch slowly, not to say your routine will do that, but I am trying to get a feel for what to do on mine, my hole is .625, and the spider .500

Thinking about your comment, I do recall seeing that same action. Some probing routines approach the object (probee?) at a fairly rapid rate. when they sense the object, they back off and approach slowly to get an accurate position. This method reduces the time needed to find an edge while still eliminating errors due to overshoot. We used that same method for homing on a lab robot we built some years ago.

When I return to work on the 25th, I will be saying goodbye to two fine members of the our four man team. My partner FF with 31+ years of service and our Engineer (driver) with 33+ years. So I took a break from normal shop work to complete two shadow boxes. The boxes where purchased at a local trophy store and are nothing special compared to some wood craftsmen on this forum.
My FF partner had promoted to inspector and also became TFD's Public Education Officer and held this for eight years during the late 90's and into 2000's. He returned to suppression in 2004 and we forged a great friendship/partnership. A damn good FF and funny as hell as thing could get bleak for us at times. His box shows his three badges along with two patches. The patch that is colorful and the shape of AZ was in-service for many years when we wore a light blue dress badged shirt. The one that resembles a police patch is our current patch and is worn with a dark blue dress shirt. Many of us old timers miss the light blue shirts as we now all look like police and they are hot as hell in the summer.
For our Engineer, there is his original FF badge and his Engineer badge which he has been since 1988.
I'm going from the youngest member on the truck, to second oldest come 01/16. These guys will be missed and our department will continue to change as we lost 76 members to retirement this yer alone. IMG_1057.JPGIMG_1147.JPG
The graduating class picture was from 84-1 (old style shirts and patches). Darrell is second from the left first row. BTW, he just got back from a Grand Canyon rim to rim hike and finished just under nine hours. Engraved plaques will be installed to finish up the gifts.
This morning I decided, 'To heck with it.' Being that I'm now living by myself, soon to be single, all my bills are paid, it's a 5 paycheck month (I figure my bills on a 4 week month, so some months I get an 'extra' paycheck), plus I got my usual Christmas bonus... I decided it was about time I bought myself a few Christmas gifts that I've been needing/wanting for quite a while. Usually, when I had the money to spare, I'd find less selfish things to spend it on. Like paying extra on the mortgage, truck, or credit card payments. Responsible things.

This time, I'm spending a chunk on myself, and dang it, I will *NOT* feel guilty about it. (like I did when I purchased the Atlas arbors, but if tools4cheap is going out of business, I figured I should grab them while I could)

So, I purchased for myself:
A 3" machinist vice. It'll be easier to use on the Atlas horizontal mill than a regular milling vice, as I can orient the machinist vice with the jaws perpendicular to the spindle, vs parallel. And a 3" vice will fit the table nicely.
A set of telescoping bore gauges. I am tired of inconsistent readings when using digital calipers on a bore, plus I can only measure the very end.
A center gauge. Now I can easily check my threading tool's grind, and more easily align it to the workpiece.
Indicator tips. I've been using #4-40 screws ground to whatever shape or bent to whatever angle I needed to get into hard-to-reach areas. Now I'll have a set I can simply select the one I need.
A 6" dial caliper. All the rest of my calipers use batteries, it'll be nice to have one that doesn't.
I still have some money left of what I decided to spend on myself, so there's a few other items I'll be buying once I decide what it is that I need the most. I'll post some pics once the stuff gets delivered, and I track down the other items I want.
Your brothers have seen a lot of change over the years, some good and some bad. They will deffinately cherish your gift.
Looks like Christmas came a little early at your place Mike!!