2015 POTD Thread Archive

Worked on my monitor support arm, it will attach to the ram, it will hold the monitor and some various switches. I also hooked up my cycle start button and wrote a Brain for it in Mach3, it works flawlessly I'm very happy with the results. The support arm is about 21" long, made from 1.5x.75 6061. The radii were done cnc. The pockets were done with a ball nose 1", they are about .200 deep or so, both sides. I think I'm gonna draw up some little pockets to go in between each hole. Maybe through pockets, all in an effort to reduce the weight of the bar.
Might look cool with the edges rounded as well. Nice work brother.
Finished up the restoration of a hand powered bench grinder for a friend. He had admired one once, so when I saw one for sale I decided to buy it and fix it up for him as a gift. In the end it involved oversizing all the shaft holes in the aluminium casing and fitting brass bushes to remove all the slop, fabricating a whole new crank and handle, and a new paint job.

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I have a similar one that belonged to my grandfather. I ground my nose on it once when I was about six years old. I've drug it with me all these many years. It now resides on a bench in the warehouse.

You have given me incentive to restore it. It now goes in the queue of the 'roundtoits. I'll post a pic if it ever gets done.
Clocks are very fascinating to me, well at least the ones that you can see what is going on inside. One of my bosses were checking them out last week, I explained to him what it meant when it says "jeweled" he had no idea that there were actually gems for the bearings. What's your clock gone spin on?
Hi chevydyl, the idea is to use bronze bearings.
Hello Dan_s, Clickspring YouTube channel is fascinating, but way out of my league.

Finally I have something to post in this thread. Nothing yall have not seen a million times before, but it is my first (relatively) accurate endeavor. I would just like to thank everyone on this excellent site that helped make this possible. As a beginner with no formal training, I could not have made this thing without the knowledge I gained from reading yalls posts.
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Morgan nice work! I have often thought about doing one of those but just never seem to get there. I would try putting a mirror under it, and maybe some lights shining on it.
Wasn't happy with my lathe handles which where too short and funky plastic, so finally got around to making new handles. Haven't done knurling before, but wanted a light pattern on the half-nut lever so gave it a try. Machined replacements from 6061 aluminum, although I thought of using brass or steel. Anyway, much more comfortable then the stock levers.

An interesting note on the PM1340GT, is that there seems to be a mix of metric and US threading/bolts on this machine, most handles are threaded with M10-1.5, but the half-nut lever rod has a 3/8"-16 thread. So never assume and always check before you machine. I almost messed up on the half-nut, but some of the rod sizes measured to US specs so I checked the thread. This is also true on other parts of the lathe.

Lathe handles 1.jpg
Lathe handles 2.jpg
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