2014 POTD Thread Archive

Got no clue what Brav 65 talkin about , but, I go into the shop surprise my kid installed over the mill some skinney bulb. I tell you that one bulb lights the shop
just wicked, so I think thats whats Brav's talking about. Kid said 25 bucks home depot . We have mabe 20 double flouresents (16 feet) up all look like 10 watt
candles! This one stripp rules unreal I'm thinking I only need oh maybe 7-8 more get rid of 20 flickering dull junks : Update Also gone the outside "beehive type
mercury lights" He bought these small squaire I think LEDs unreal dont use power lites up the whole place up like Fenway park.
good kid tomorrow he's buy ole man a new bullet 200,000 heater its a big shop and a bear to heat. Why I bought new one 2 yrs old today its done-Damm them printed
circut boards..............................................

T5 is the bulb type, which is a fluorescent type of bulb about as big around as your thumb. The T5's come in 28 watt and 54 watt. Your typical fluorescent bulb is 10 - 15 watts, so you can see why the T5 is so much brighter. The fixture I god ad HD was $69 and the bulbs were about $9 bucks a piece for the 54 watt, and I needed 4.
My twin bulb 4 ft T5 HO 54 watt fixture was 39$ at home depot. Extremely bright. Right over the top of my lathe. Hardly a shadow even if I lean over the bed to look on top of the work. The light is so bright it reflects off the wall to light normally shadowed areas. I think I have the cool temp bulbs, more white/blue not yellow which would be warm.
For main lighting in a shop hands down are the T5 high output. Got 8 - 6 bulb fixtures to light up shop mounted at 15'. Better then sunlight. I need to find one to mount lower over the lathe to use when over head lights are not on. The color is what I like instead of the wattage, think mine are 5000k which is where much higher and you start to get blue then into purple. All my headlights are 5000k HID.

I was reading though that LED has come down in price and you can retrofit old fixtures. I think LED will replace lights like T5 mainly for the energy savings.

Sorry this is not POTD post so here is what I did Wed. and now am sitting and waiting for the concrete.

For main lighting in a shop hands down are the T5 high output. Got 8 - 6 bulb fixtures to light up shop mounted at 15'. Better then sunlight. I need to find one to mount lower over the lathe to use when over head lights are not on. The color is what I like instead of the wattage, think mine are 5000k which is where much higher and you start to get blue then into purple. All my headlights are 5000k HID.

I was reading though that LED has come down in price and you can retrofit old fixtures. I think LED will replace lights like T5 mainly for the energy savings.

Sorry this is not POTD post so here is what I did Wed. and now am sitting and waiting for the concrete.
View attachment 88597

My bench grinder stand update.

almost done .

Today, I drilled and tapped the holding bolts then I quickly fab'd a small tool tray for the stand.

I need to get a couple of more grinders lol
make another mounting plate.

002.JPG 004.JPG
Why stop there? Seems to me like Canadian fuse just went to 90 cents per foot!! What is the diameter by the way?

That stuff was 3.25mm with the nitrocellulose coating on it. I switched from cotton to polyester thread and got it down to 2.9mm.
Yesterday I modified my tailstock.
One of the previous owners has changed it. The quill is going to far back and to drill a hole the handle needs to be turned couter clockwise. That is confusing.

After the modification (cutting down the endcap and making some bushings) the quill is stop about 5mm before the tailstock body making it possible to clamp somthing at the end.

I Think the pictures speek for themself.

















My bench grinder stand update.

almost done .

Today, I drilled and tapped the holding bolts then I quickly fab'd a small tool tray for the stand.

I need to get a couple of more grinders lol
make another mounting plate.

Now this one is definitely on my To Do list. I have six grinders and buffers. I need this badly.

"Billy G"