Whatz a hobbyist?

My father taught me my first machining, And we did not have a machine shop but a few friends that had some tools when needed. My first major project was an old Cushman scooter, Unable to get parts for it, but we turned down the crank, then made a new set of inserts for it. That thing ran and ran. Got me everywhere I needed to go. Still had it in the back yard when I joined the Military, wish I still have that but, my father sold it and all the spares while I was over seas one time. Wish I was as good as some of the welders I knew back then, They would grind down a Crank, then weld over it and then we would turn it down to correct size, and redo the oil passage and put it back in use. Problem is that was a very small town, and most of the shops have closed down, the one shop with all the equipment is gone, and if you want anything you have to go to the next town or more than 100 miles. There may be 1 lathe in a 40 mile radius now that I know of. At least in SA I now can find thing, and there are shops that specialize in machinist stuff. :)
Willing to take on a benefactor so I would no longer be a true hobbyist :). Maybe work in jay Leno's garage as an example

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Willing to take on a benefactor so I would no longer be a true hobbyist :). Maybe work in jay Leno's garage as an example

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Heck, I'd be happy being the janitor at Bruce or David's place.