Sinister Handedness

Are you left or right handed?

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Technically I guess I'm right handed, but I can do everything with my left hand except write legibly, of course I can't do that with my right hand either. I think that comes from many years of working on equipment and machines. Sometimes you just can't reach a bolt with your dominate hand so you learn to use either. Many times I eat at my desk while still working on the computer, so I eat left handed to keep my right hand free for the mouse.
im right, but can do many things with the left. my son is left, but does many things with his right. he shoots left, i didnt teach that, just watched to see which felt natural to him. he throws right. my dad is left, when he was in school teachers would smack him with a ruler for writing left handed.
I had a accident when I was about 7 and almost cut off my right hand after that I use both hands equally, except I write with my right hand.
What do you expect from a sinister handed Norwegian?

Geez, I am causing a lot of controversy here!

Tony Wells was nice and offered to repair my post. Thanks, Tony.
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Glenn, I've always been accused of jumping to conclusions, just another occurrence, I guess.
Lefty,and cannot reel with my right hand to save my life! Everything else can do with my right,except eating and writing.
You gotta be born poor. You learn to make do with what's available or do without. Thanks Dad! :grin big:

Come to think of it, we did have ambidextrous cane poles though.
I'm curious as to what percentage of hobby machinists are left handed. I began thinking about this after
I received my new Igaging digital caliper. Using the Mitotoyo dial caliper was no big deal to use left
handed but using a digital caliper held in the left hand forces one to read the digits up-side down. Then I got
to thinking about lathes such as how would I like a lathe that had the head stock on the right? Not sure on that....
or even if there is such a thing....lotsa ramifications here!

If everyone weighs in on this, we can get a fairly accurate determination so everyone please participate.

This will be interesting!
I voted left but I'm really close to ambidextrous.
I'm a lefty, and when I was in engineering meetings I would look around and see usually at least half of the people sitting at the table were left-handed. I am making the jump in logic to say that lefties are better at understanding mechanical concepts. Of course I'm biased!
Heres a silly bit of trivia.
What ever handed you are try signing your name with the other hand but start at the right hand side of the page and write to the left.
Dont think about it but just do it.
It will look terrible and unreadable in most cases but hold it in front of the mirror and it will usually look like your normal signature but a bit straggly.
This definitely works for right handed but I dont know about those sinister types.