Retirement is Official!

Today I turn 65.
The Social Security check arrives the second Wednesday of every month. Next Wednesday is my first check!!!!
I went to the doctor last Thursday.
My copay was zero.
My son coaches basketball for his 7-8 school. My wife and I got the senior discount.
This is great!
I’m really settling in to this new life Style :)
Should have turned 65 years ago!

I should add, today we left home for a week of fun to enjoy this beautiful California weather. 71 degrees today.
We left on a Sunday and we return on Saturday. A working man doesn’t keep this schedule.
I know, I shouldn’t rub it in. Hey, I worked full time for 50 years!
Congratulations Jeff. It is well-deserved.
Congrats Jeff. Now every day can be Saturday.
‘Enjoy your retirement
:encourage: Congrats Jeff talk me into it , :big grin:
My son coaches basketball for his 7-8 school.
Oh man , this would be up my alley . You should be an assistant coach Jeff . My daughter coached a college girls team in the past and may be considered for an upcoming opening once again . I'm routing for her but not sure if she's interested in going back to that routine , it's a very unforgiving job that doesn't pay very well . We'll see , but I miss it as I've coached and played my entire life . :encourage:
You should be an assistant coach Jeff
I would say let him enjoy retirement. Unless of course, one has a burning desire to do so. Between the time commitment for months, dealing with irate parents, and the politics of the school, it can be very stressful.
Congratulations and sounds like a Happy Birthday is also in order.

Work tends to be a big part of our identity, so not going to a place you have spent most of your time can take some adjustment, but you get over it pretty quickly and find new things to fill your time. Sounds like you are already there.

Basketball, is that the one with the goalie?

I see you are as big a sports fan as I am. :grin:
Well done Jeff, happy birthday!