Need help with Ebay buyer having issues with a lathe chuck


Jeff L.
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2018
I sold a lathe chuck on Ebay back in November. I just got around to leaving positive feedback yesterday, when lo and behold I get this message:

I would just like to comment on the above chuck. Some one had tried to pry it apart without taking the key spur gear out and broke the front casting. See pic. Basically, the chuck is only good for the jaws since it is unsafe to use. Too bad, the guy I purchased it for, was a little disappointed. I should have seen it in the one picture you posted, Can we do a partial refund, I hate to spend more monies with USPS.

Here is the picture the buyer sent me:
ebay chuck issue.jpg
I'm assuming the seller is referring to what appears to be a chip, located at about 1 o'clock, out of the inner hole.

Here are the relevant pictures I included in the Ebay post:
ebay chuck issue original photo 1.jpg
This image clearly shows the chip. This looked to me like it was part of some sort of threaded feature. I didn't think much of it, but showed it in the pictures anyway.

ebay chuck issue original photo 2.jpg
This is an image that shows the brand and type of chuck.

My issue is that I don't see anything that is broken as the buyer describes in the image he sent. My images clearly show the chuck. The buyer did buy 3 chucks, and I gave him a deal on all 3: $75 each plus shipping and I got them all in one box. I can see there being an issue if this chuck is going to spin at really high RPM, but I figured this was for a hobbyist, not some CNC machinist spinning this at high RPM's.

I currently have a 100% approval rating. I don't sell much on Ebay, but it seems to be the best place to sell, with Facebook Marketplace a close second. So, I don't want to jeopardize that. But, this smells a little. I thought maybe a $20 refund would be appropriate.

Please let me know if I'm wrong, too.

Thoughts? Thanks!
I don't get it. He's talking about the front casting being broken, but shows the back? I'd ask for more pics.
Are you sure he isn't asking about the casting inside the through hole ? That looks like there may be a problem where you can see the bottom of the jaw. Dave
He's not talking about the little thread thing you're referring to.

I believe I see a major fracture surface all the way 'round the inside bore of the chuck. See red arrows. That's the back side of the front casting (which is why he's showing a photo of the back side).

If that is indeed the case, I think the right thing to do here is give him a full refund. Even if your original listing did show a photo of it, if you listed it as 'used' instead of 'for parts', then the implication is that it works.

I sell a bunch of stuff on eBay as well. Sometimes stuff like this inadvertently slips through. It sucks, but you've just got to step up and do the right thing.

That looks like a shadow to me, not a crack, at least where the left arrow is pointing. Too dark to see the other side clearly.
Maybe it's my phone, but I don't see what anybody is talking about. Except what looks like half of a tapped hole going in at an angle.
Regardless, there's Terri ways to look at it. He's been waiting all this time for you to leave the feedback, so that he could extort you for a refund. OR, he's busy, and just hadn't gotten around to it until you accidentally reminded him, by leaving feedback. Either way, if you want the 100% rating, better give him/her what they want. Sadly, even that isn't a guarantee. They may still leave bad feedback after they get their partial refund.
From my view, you probably didn't pay the price you sold it for. So the only money you lose is the money you actually did pay for the chuck to begin with. I'd offer to pay return shipping to get it back, and give a full refund. If you can get it back, you can check it out again, and resell it if there's nothing wrong with it. And if there is something wrong with it, there's your lesson to be more thorough next time. The customer always being right is truly a double edged sword with Ebay. I've had a similar instance. I told him to send it back for a refund. Never heard from him again. Oh...and I blocked him from purchasing anything else from me too.
I believe they are seeing the edge of a shadow. The red arrows look to be pointing at the edge of the holes shadow.

The angle of the shadow seems to be the same, between that pic and the one showing it jaws-up.

I could be mistaken though.
I am not an eBay seller,but I buy there,mostly new. I am with @JRaut on this,sorry but the chuck looks a bit rough where marked. I also know buyer be ware,so the buyer should have seen that in your posted picture and made the decision or asked you about it. I imediatly saw it and thought it didn t look quite right. That's my two cents from a buyers point of view. Sorry if it doesn't work out for you. I hope you and the buyer can work something out.

He's not talking about the little thread thing you're referring to.

I believe I see a major fracture surface all the way 'round the inside bore of the chuck. See red arrows. That's the back side of the front casting (which is why he's showing a photo of the back side).

If that is indeed the case, I think the right thing to do here is give him a full refund. Even if your original listing did show a photo of it, if you listed it as 'used' instead of 'for parts', then the implication is that it works.

I sell a bunch of stuff on eBay as well. Sometimes stuff like this inadvertently slips through. It sucks, but you've just got to step up and do the right thing.

View attachment 390051
I don't see what you see. First, it's dirty, so there's no way to draw any conclusion.
if I were presented a better (clean) pic of the area it would be easier to draw a conclusion.
That pic reveals DIRT