Just quick questions, "Hats"


Dec 18, 2013
What do you folks wear for a hat when machining? I'm tired of going to bed with chips in my hair. I'm thinking of a welding hat maybe....what do you folks wear?
Yah, i did 4 years of high and tight back in the late 60's. But i never did gave long hair.
Been thinking of one of those welding caps with a short bill or one with no bill at all.
I’m rarely caught without a hat on.
Most of the places I work at require sanitary head and beard coverings.

I prefer the baseball cap when I have a choice
I wear a ball cap everywhere except church...

I've never had a problem getting chips in my hair.

I have a bunch of handmade welding caps that I wear, or a Comeaux cap. My problem is I have a big head, or so my wife says. It is tough to find ball caps to fit a size 8 when pulled down to the ears with civilian hair. Hence the handmade hats. I look like a homeless man in my carhartts already, the hats look like I stole them from a 1930's news boy or maybe a coal miner. In other words, indistinguishable from the squads of tent-dwellers walking the streets. I have to carry my ID in the shop working just in case the cops don't believe me when I say I own the house.