Comedy Hour on H-M Starts at... Well Usually Nights Around This Time

I remember reading that when you noted it another time.
Just like so many other industries that have shutdown and relocated because of labor costs.
Make the money for the shareholders while tossing the folks that helped to make the company, to the curb.
Perhaps someday that mindset will come home to roost.
Yep , hard to say . Lots of those people never recovered . Some took their lives . I will admit , the un-skilled jobs paying 24-26 an hour was unheard of . They also worked hrs and hrs of OT and double time . You figure we all worked a double sunday , 12 on Sat , on top of at least 40 hrs during the week . They were making bank . 80 hours pay min a week . :encourage:

All of our machinists and mechanics were snapped up in a hurry , so it really didn't effect us because we lived within our means . I feel sorry for those who went overboard and depended on that OT to survive. Life goes on . :)
Slept like a rock today , have a few people here tonight since it's the Sat after payday , only have a few work orders in , so , it'll be a long night tonight .

Whatcha got Will ? :grin:
Well I just posted this in another thread but I think it's good enough to repost here. :)

Looks like a $250 cabin filter for a Honda CRV ! :big grin:
Ok, here's another. This is why you don't teach kids to play golf at too young of an age!

OK . Another line down until Monday morning cuz I'm not able to swap out a fuse . :dunno: 3 shifts of lost production .
So sad too bad, no proper training, and PPE, lock out tag out, that's how it is.
Qualified to do anything else , but can not do anything pertaining to electric per company rules . This was just put into effect and I'm more than good with it . 440V could ruin your day .
Huge, humungus time. That is an evil voltage!!! You could survive, but nasty, nasty burns. Nope....