Can we talk about retirement?

I have Schwab, and it is managed by another associated firm @ 1%, and TEFs @.5%.
I think I mentioned this before but I had Schwab's RoboAdvisor. They kept 7% of my money in cash, and it eventually climbed to 9%. I complained about it and they said to bad, that is how it works. I pulled all my money out and took it to Vanguard. Then I get a call from Lance Larkin from Schwab chewing me out about how they could have 'worked with me to find a solution'. I had mentioned that I complained about it numerous times. He then proceeded to read me the riot act. After dealing with his jackwagon attitude, I will never do business with Schwab again. Too many other good outfits out there for me to be treated like that. screw them.
My (Schwab)side broker is local to Hawaii, and California, and is usually 2% above grade. The new corporate tax proposals are being watched closely.
Investing guru's way over estimate their value. If they were as good as they claim, they'd all be billionaires and not investment BS'rs!
I ran the #'s to see what their fees actually cost. 1% on an account that starts with just $5K and adds $100/ month for only 15 years will cost you about $20K by the end point. Assumes a 10% average return, typical market return for the last 100 years. It gets even worse using a broker to invest your $ into a mutual fund. The broker typically takes 4 to 6% of your money as a fee before the rest is invested. You don't see that in the paperwork! Annuities have very high fees and are best avoided. I've never met a broker I would trust! My brother-in-law is a broker.
Now being retired 7 months , talking with friends and family I listen to how some through no fault of their own they will be waiting until late sixties to retire , others have spent instead of saving and those too will be waiting. I feel very fortunate that I worked for a company that talked about retirement , saving . Those early meetings that had representatives from the credit union come in showing how you start saving a little bit it compounds through the years . Then when they offered the 401k they had more information and meetings . Retirement isn’t what you think of when your in your twenties or thirties unless your told . My own brother is going to retire this December at 70 1/2 , he told me he never thought about retirement until a few years ago . Ive talked with my kids and their spouses about saving and the difference when you start early . Most here in the USA won’t have defined pension plans so it makes saving in more important
It’s been a year now.
Do you still enjoy retirement? :)
I may be retired as of a month ago , I just don't know . I know I won't be returning to work until at least mid-April though . This past month has been pretty damn boring in my eyes , be it the weather , not being able to do what I like , whatever . Little odd jobs around the house keep me going at this point , but I really need to get out and do some real outside strenuous work . :(
I may be retired as of a month ago , I just don't know . I know I won't be returning to work until at least mid-April though . This past month has been pretty damn boring in my eyes , be it the weather , not being able to do what I like , whatever . Little odd jobs around the house keep me going at this point , but I really need to get out and do some real outside strenuous work . :(
How are you Dave?
Health wise.
savarin, signature >>"Asian 9x20, some rusty files and a hammer"
I just noticed it. =funny guy!