Youtube is painful these days.

I watched YT without adds for 1 year, but it cost me $50. Didn't even realize there were adds until I dropped my paid subscription. Now I seem to get bombarded with adds. I even find myself zoned out on the adds without even knowing they are not the video. It sucks but I have been Television free for 10 years now. The brainwashing continues just from a different source. The Internet is an addiction just as Television was in our younger years. Once my dad got ****** off and came in and cut the power cord off the TV set because he thought we left the gate open, and his cattle got out. Come to find out his best friend stole them and sold them at the auction while we were at school and daddy was at work. In my own way I defend the Internet because I did not have access to trade schools or apprenticeships when I was growing up and in my early adult life. I was at the mercy of some old farts that would not share their knowledge because to them Knowledge was power. And it really is power. Nuff Said.