Who remembers?

Back in the day when I worked on my own cars and bikes, I used Lava for a long time and switched to a small handful of powdered laundry detergent when I was where Lava didn't exist.

Lava soap was required for camping when I was in Boy Scouts (1980s). It was allegedly more environmentally friendly for washing at the campground spigots. Ivory bar soap was my parents soap of choice when I was growing up.

I haven't bought bar soap in... hmmm, not sure if I've ever bought bar soap since moving out on my own. Dawn dish soap and orange hand cleaners with pumice are what I've used for oil and grease as long as I can remember. In high school shop classes they used powdered soap, maybe Borax.
What was that clear brown soap we used for poison ivy called?

For hand cleaner I use stoko kresto with walnut shells in it.

Best stuff ever.

Borax and and whatever liquid soap is available. scrub with brush and hose off. Works great. Lots of grease, Mineral oil first.
Dad worked for (and retired from) a company that sold oilfield supplies and made steel. In the late 1950s he always had waterless hand cleaner (smelled like bananas) in his company car. Lava soap has been around for as long as I can remember. I liked the old hand cleaners from the 1970s and ‘80s. I don’t like heavily fragranced soaps. Smelling Irish Spring feels like getting an ice pick jammed into my sinuses. I’m good with citrus based cleaners like Fast Orange with pumice.

Almost funny, I haven’t done anything in my shop since about 2 days before Beryl blew through; about 7/6. My hands are the cleanest they’ve been in years.
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