Who remembers?

i used borax/palmolive dish soap mixture for years on my hands , before they discouraged the use of borax for hand cleaning- but it's still ok for laundry
Yep some shops actually kept Borax in the wash room .
Lava soap was required for camping when I was in Boy Scouts (1980s). It was allegedly more environmentally friendly for washing at the campground spigots. Ivory bar soap was my parents soap of choice when I was growing up.

I haven't bought bar soap in... hmmm, not sure if I've ever bought bar soap since moving out on my own. Dawn dish soap and orange hand cleaners with pumice are what I've used for oil and grease as long as I can remember. In high school shop classes they used powdered soap, maybe Borax.
When I walk down the aisle that sells the bar bath soap I get nauseated. My Mama washed my mouth out with a bar of Ivory soap when we had company over one Sunday afternoon. My brother would not let me get on our hourse and I *&^))(($$##@@ him out. She came outside got me by the ear and drug me into the bathroom and ground that ivory soap on my teeth. I still cuss like nobody is listening. but I sure as hell don't use Ivory soap. My daughter uses it and when she comes to visit soon after taking her bath I just want to gag...
Your picture reminds me that encyclopedias have gone the way of the rotary phone also
I spent hours looking through the World Book Encyclopedias my Mama had. I loved those things. Also Popular Science and Popular Mechanics and National Geographic. And how about the Readers Digest?
For hands I prefer Savon de Marseille with used coffee grounds. It's both safe and effective. My father is well known to wash his hands with Brakleen :rolleyes:
Someone mentioned the milkman, My grandparents milked about 15-20 cows, and of course when the power was out we milked by hand. The first automatic system we had though, was the cow to can, those 15 -20 gallon cans were then lifted up into a cold water chiller for storage until picked up. We always used the chiller for watermelons on the holidays, they would be so cold , your teeth would hurt.
Someone mentioned the milkman, My grandparents milked about 15-20 cows, and of course when the power was out we milked by hand. The first automatic system we had though, was the cow to can, those 15 -20 gallon cans were then lifted up into a cold water chiller for storage until picked up. We always used the chiller for watermelons on the holidays, they would be so cold , your teeth would hurt.
Me and my brother hand milked 7 cows every morning before catching the school bus. Milking by hand will sure build up your hand and arm muscles. Now I can barely hold anything without dropping it. Regardless of how you do it Dairy farming is hard work. Round bales of hay did not exist. Every bale was heavier than I was. The cow pens were lovely green soup after a good rain. Nobody even mentioned the smell it was just part of the job. Now we have the highest paid politicians in the world trying to control Cow Farts!
Me and my brother hand milked 7 cows every morning before catching the school bus. Milking by hand will sure build up your hand and arm muscles. Now I can barely hold anything without dropping it. Regardless of how you do it Dairy farming is hard work. Round bales of hay did not exist. Every bale was heavier than I was. The cow pens were lovely green soup after a good rain. Nobody even mentioned the smell it was just part of the job. Now we have the highest paid politicians in the world trying to control Cow Farts!
Ha! Mentioning the smell reminded me of a story my grandpa told, about a nephew who was staying with them, and helping milk one morning. He said " Uncle choc, I believe Aunt Jewell is cooking christmas candy", everytime grandpa would tell that, he'd just about get in the floor, laughing.
Your picture reminds me that encyclopedias have gone the way of the rotary phone also
We recently donated two encyclopedias... both current to recent year... just collecting dust. We did not wanted to move those over to the new house.

I remember cleaning my wounds with borax when I was a kid...

This is still my hand cleaner of choice... A friend gave me a dispenser and three gallons... already went through those... need to order more when I hang the dispenser at the new house.

Hand Cleaner.jpg
I do remember drinking coffee, with milk straight from the cow... My dad's uncle use to have property and a dairy farm... We would visit them at least once a month. I remember that the milk came out very warm and frothy... milked straight to a can and from there, we would pour the coffee into it... Great memories... it was over 100 acres and there were all kind of fruit trees as well... Their house was a beautiful house at the top of a mountain. Here is a photo of me with the dog they had at the time. I remember that when this one passed away, they got three Great Danes... those looked like horses... Great memories... too bad I do not have many photos from that time...

Alonso House.jpg
Pinerite is good heavy duty hand soap. A friend got Me a bottle and it works well.