Who remembers?


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Aug 29, 2019
Who remembers when Lava was the mans soap for cleaning dirt and grease off your hands? Now we have all the girlie hand cleaners. I even have one that is Cherry scented is red and has pumice in it. Fast Orange is likely to be the go to for many. Real men used Lava or Go-Jo . When I was a kid growing up it was either gasoline or wait till the grease and grime wore off. We live in such a coinvent world now. Daddy got axle grease in 5 gallon cans. Hat to put the end of the grease gun down in the bucket and suck up grease into the gun then wipe the outside with your fingers and stuff it inside the gun. Now days even with the EZ-PZ cartridge guns I hate touching mine without gloves or a rag in my hand.

I can't remember the last time I wrote a paper check. Caller I/D was a separate box that plugged into your phone. Yes I said plugged because phones had cords. I thought anyone that was too damn lazy to put their foot on the accelerator pedal needed an A$$ whoopin. Now I must have cruise control.
Itlvt, you are indeed a Luddite. Yeah me too.
I used up my last bar of Lava soap, I hope I can buy more.
I know Uline still sells Lava . :)
The only caller I’d we had happened when you answered the phone - the only one in the house was attached to the wall in the kitchen and had a rotary dial. We rode our bikes everywhere (without helmets), had to be in by dark, close enough to home to hear the dinner bell, rode in the back of station wagons on a foam mat for long road trips, televisions got 3 channels and the signal ended at midnight when the test pattern came on. Most of us turned out ok, lol.
i used borax/palmolive dish soap mixture for years on my hands , before they discouraged the use of borax for hand cleaning- but it's still ok for laundry
Father worked in a full service station, They got grease in the 30 gal drum, You packed the grease guns, and they had the fancy new system where it would pump the grease through a hose that would reach both ends of the vehicle. If you had a parts washer, It was also a hand cleaner, It took the big stuff of then you use the go-jo to get the rest off. Other wise parts were cleaned in Gas or Kerosine.
Another thing. How many used electrical tape instead of band aids while working on stuff.
Hand cleaner indeed. Back in the day I had my pet saber tooth tiger lick my hands clean after gutting and skinning woolly mammoths, and other small game. Mike
Lava soap was required for camping when I was in Boy Scouts (1980s). It was allegedly more environmentally friendly for washing at the campground spigots. Ivory bar soap was my parents soap of choice when I was growing up.

I haven't bought bar soap in... hmmm, not sure if I've ever bought bar soap since moving out on my own. Dawn dish soap and orange hand cleaners with pumice are what I've used for oil and grease as long as I can remember. In high school shop classes they used powdered soap, maybe Borax.
I take the dawn out to the shop when it has about 1/2 in in the bottle, fill it about 3/4 way with water, about as good as it gets, imo. But back in the day, parts washer, then gojo.