Today's Joke - 2023 Mega Thread

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That's mean spirited, and in the US, a federal crime to knowingly pass counterfeit currency. I know it was meant as a joke, but somehow I don't find the implications funny. It's indecent.
Lighten up dude.
Hopefully my last post on this...

Putting stumbling blocks before the blind, or supplying charity in the form of counterfeit money to the poor, in my mind, is not in keeping with most faiths, or ethical. Deliberately causing harm, via this form of malicious deception, seems evil to me.

But I will lighten up.
Hopefully my last post on this...

Putting stumbling blocks before the blind, or supplying charity in the form of counterfeit money to the poor, in my mind, is not in keeping with most faiths, or ethical. Deliberately causing harm, via this form of malicious deception, seems evil to me.

But I will lighten up.
It’s a joke. Jokes make fun of someone, rednecks, blonds, doctors, lawyers, you name it. A simple cure for being offended is to not read them.
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