Today's Joke - 2023 Mega Thread

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It’s a joke. Jokes make fun of someone, rednecks, blonds, doctors, lawyers, you name it. A simple cure for being offended is to not read them.
Yeah, besides, dark humor is like food.

A guy is walking along a canal and wants to get to the other side, but he can’t find a bridge.

Finally he sees a really hot blonde walking on the other side and shouts “hey cutie, how do I get to the other side?”.

The blond after giving a moment’s consideration shouts back “you’re already on the other side!”.
I kind of agree, we need to lighten up.. that's why the joke thread is probably the most watched thread. Yes there will be things that trigger all of us... but give it a break.

The old Saturday Night Live was so funny with Belushi and crew, but these days they could never do that humor... or any humor (SNL sucks) because we are all too offended. As my dad would have said.. A bunch of pansies. Laugh, or ignore it. (BUT NO POLITICAL POSTING.... boy do I know that... been banned a few times myself :rolleyes: )
I kind of agree, we need to lighten up.. that's why the joke thread is probably the most watched thread. Yes there will be things that trigger all of us... but give it a break.
Well said.

For some reason the post triggered quite a bit of revulsion in me. During this holiday season we should be giving and caring, not inflicting pain on others.

The post seemed (to me) to glorify a truly cruel action, giving the initial impression of caring and doing well to one's fellow human, only to find out that the perpetrator was passing funny money and hoping the recipient would get caught and imprisoned for unwittingly spending charity that was given to him. At least for me, the depicted behavior didn't tickle my funny bone. Maybe others thought it was so ridiculous of a thought that it was funny to them.

This thread exists, because a concerted effort has been made by members to keep it alive. If you remember, the thread was taken down for a while, not that long ago, because it was passing the line into regions that made members uncomfortable. Remember voting to restore this thread?

Let's continue this thread, but try to keep it reasonable. (I'm not the judge of that, the moderators are.) Most of it has been enormously entertaining to me, and I'm sure to others. I really enjoy this thread, nearly all the time, even the off beat stuff. Occasionally the thread wanders off and needs to be gently guided back, in my opinion. My two cents on the matter. Your thoughts may differ.

Back to the jokes, I hope. Humor is strangely tricky.
Well said.

For some reason the post triggered quite a bit of revulsion in me. During this holiday season we should be giving and caring, not inflicting pain on others.

The post seemed (to me) to glorify a truly cruel action, giving the initial impression of caring and doing well to one's fellow human, only to find out that the perpetrator was passing funny money and hoping the recipient would get caught and imprisoned for unwittingly spending charity that was given to him. At least for me, the depicted behavior didn't tickle my funny bone. Maybe others thought it was so ridiculous of a thought that it was funny to them.

This thread exists, because a concerted effort has been made by members to keep it alive. If you remember, the thread was taken down for a while, not that long ago, because it was passing the line into regions that made members uncomfortable. Remember voting to restore this thread?

Let's continue this thread, but try to keep it reasonable. (I'm not the judge of that, the moderators are.) Most of it has been enormously entertaining to me, and I'm sure to others. I really enjoy this thread, nearly all the time, even the off beat stuff. Occasionally the thread wanders off and needs to be gently guided back, in my opinion. My two cents on the matter. Your thoughts may differ.

Back to the jokes, I hope. Humor is strangely tricky.

Everybody, In the future, please report any content you feel offensive or in violation of the rules directly to the moderators. Do not respond directly to whomever posed the content. The mods will fix it, no need to escalate it into a conflict.

Thanks for understanding.

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Well said.

For some reason the post triggered quite a bit of revulsion in me. During this holiday season we should be giving and caring, not inflicting pain on others.

The post seemed (to me) to glorify a truly cruel action, giving the initial impression of caring and doing well to one's fellow human, only to find out that the perpetrator was passing funny money and hoping the recipient would get caught and imprisoned for unwittingly spending charity that was given to him. At least for me, the depicted behavior didn't tickle my funny bone. Maybe others thought it was so ridiculous of a thought that it was funny to them.

This thread exists, because a concerted effort has been made by members to keep it alive. If you remember, the thread was taken down for a while, not that long ago, because it was passing the line into regions that made members uncomfortable. Remember voting to restore this thread?

Let's continue this thread, but try to keep it reasonable. (I'm not the judge of that, the moderators are.) Most of it has been enormously entertaining to me, and I'm sure to others. I really enjoy this thread, nearly all the time, even the off beat stuff. Occasionally the thread wanders off and needs to be gently guided back, in my opinion. My two cents on the matter. Your thoughts may differ.

Back to the jokes, I hope. Humor is strangely tricky.

To me that is tame, but I’m new to the thread so I’ll try to adjust.

It’s a classic example of“Absurdist humor”, ie, it’s so far out there most would never take it seriously.
Jokes are like food, some you love, some you hate, some you are indifferent to, some generate a feeling of revulsion.
No matter how I try I just cannot bring myself to try Balut (, or the level of revulsion is too high.
Although I love puns I cant stand knock knock jokes so I dont read them, the same with yoghurt, nothing but rotten sour milk so I dont eat it.
BUT, I cant see the point of stopping others from eating them.
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