TIG torch choices?

I personally don’t find it gets too hot but I rarely run over 100-120 amps.
Flex head for sure (not flex loc)...CK hoses are so light and flexible, anything else drives me nuts now.
I personally don’t find it gets too hot but I rarely run over 100-120 amps.
Yea I agree those levels on DC won't get it very warm. But once you start knocking on 150A and especially AC for aluminum, totally different story.
Yea I agree those levels on DC won't get it very warm. But once you start knocking on 150A and especially AC for aluminum, totally different story.

I have a feeling that there’s a 26 in my future (or water cooled) as I have some aluminum projects in mind.
I had the first-gen Miller EconoTig along with an air-cooled torch. It got hot as hell a few times, so they're really only good for short (time) welds. I ended up trading it in on a Syncrowave 250 with a watercooled torch, and never looked back. It's the difference between touch up work and real work; you should let your planned usage make the decision for you.
A water cooled torch is great for aluminum.
I have a feeling that there’s a 26 in my future (or water cooled) as I have some aluminum projects in mind.
One thing I came across is that when researching TIG on aluminium, one can easily be running 150A to 200A, and seemingly needing more, but the addition of 5% or 10% helium in the gas makes a massive difference. They say it can be like having a much higher power welder! Either way, if you want to TIG aluminium, you need cooling, or you do it in short bursts. Of course, helium is also very expensive!

The decision, as mentioned by @kb58, will be driven by the actual torch down welding times. For me, I guess using a size 26 series torch, brought down to more petite dimensions with stubby bits, is a reasonable half-way house between a 17-series that gets readily overheated, and investing in the whole water-cooled shebang.

TIG on aluminum looks beautiful, but I guess for most of us folk, we have to stay with welding on thinner bits.
Looking forward to see what you choose.
I would love to have a cooler.
For air cooled:

2nd best choice: CK 26 Trimline

Best choice: Heavy Hitters TIG Torch

The heavy hitter torch is a big sucker, but you would be able to use a CK 26 style air-cooled 1pc Superflex cable (12 ft (46V28RSF) or 25 ft (46V30RSF)) up to 200A. If 200A Aluminum welding is in your future, it will outperform the others. Lots of brass, and a revised argon-flow path provide for much better cooling than standard cooling.

Compared to generic "200A" Ebay 26-series torch





generic 26 vs Heavy Hitter 350 vs CK 17 w/valve.




A word about stubby consumables. While they do shorten up the size of the torch head for better visibility, and maneuverability, the lesser mass and the reduced distance to the arc/weld pool will cause the torch to heat up much more/faster. It is worse on AC due to the reverse-cycle (DCEP), so this is where standard 13N series consumables, or 45V-series medium/large gas lens parts have an advantage. IMO the main difference is how hot the tungsten will get/stay. That will play a factor with just how much argon post-flow you need to run to protect the tungsten from oxidation. If you are stingy with the argon-post flow, then this is something to consider.
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