They may not make everyone a machinist (my wife for example)) but they sure won't hurt those who want to be.
It's hard to be a race car driver without a race car and it's easier to win with a good race car, huh?
Its interesting that some "get it", while others don't. The idea of this post is point out that NONE of the mentioned "stuff" is needed in order to become an accomplished machinist, yet they seem to be on every noobs "must have" list. I definitely am not saying that a person should not buy it. Its just they do not turn a person into a machinist. Nor do they make you a better machinist. Some loose sight of that fact, others never realize it.
Excellent analogy. Good race cars do not turn a poor driver a good race car driver. In fact, they are difficult to drive and bring out the worst in a poor driver. Good race car drivers bring out the best in any car they drive.
Micrometers ?
Hey, the first tool I bought as a machinist was a 0-1" micrometer, that I still have and use ALL the time. Maybe that was second after my 6" pocket scale.
My DRO does seem like cheating...