The Voron kit build thread

Found a problem with the belt routing. Was wondering why the Trident's CoreXY motion friction was higher than the Railcore. Dismissed it as the LDO Voron motors are taller which generally means more detent torque, but while the printer was upside down and turned around for electronics work noticed part of the belt path was wrong and was significantly rubbing on the plastic. It pays to investigate these questions. Much better now, and should have cut the belts a bit shorter.

Have the DIN rails and the electronics mounted, getting ready to trim and mount the cable ducting and drag chains. Enjoying the slow build pace.

Printed a few fun little cali dragons on the Prusa, each with different filaments, good samples.
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Found a problem with the belt routing. Was wondering why the Trident's CoreXY motion friction was higher than the Railcore. Dismissed it as the LDO Voron motors are taller which generally means more detent torque, but while the printer was upside down and turned around for electronics work noticed part of the belt path was wrong and was significantly rubbing on the plastic. It pays to investigate these questions. Much better now, and should have cut the belts a bit shorter.

Have the DIN rails and the electronics mounted, getting ready to trim and mount the cable ducting and drag chains. Enjoying the slow build pace.

Printed a few fun little cali dragons on the Prusa, each with different filaments, good samples.

I think I know exactly what your belt problem was. I took me an hour or two to realize it when I did it. :grin:

Let me guess, in the back, where the belt loops around the corner pulley, you missed that tiny space it has to be fished through, and had it looped around part of the motor/pulley housing too. I had to use little hex wrenches as pokers, to reach in and push the belt in the directions I wanted it to go.

My Flashforge is sitting idle, while my Voron has been running all morning printing its own parts.

It does a great job on the surface finish. Better than my Flashforge. Well, better than my Flashforge is now. My Flashforge maybe, possibly was this good when it was new.

The doors are done:

Now i'm using it to print some internal housing to mount some ws2812b neopixel strips to use for chamber lighting. Set up diagonally, I can easily print these 13" long housings. :).

BTW: The double table stands are just a temp workbench.... I have space for the Voron out in the shop, but its about 28 degrees out there right now, so I'm building this thing in the house.
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I think I know exactly what your belt problem was. I took me an hour or two to realize it when I did it. :grin:

Let me guess, in the back, where the belt loops around the corner pulley, you missed that tiny space it has to be fished through, and had it looped around part of the motor/pulley housing too. I had to use little hex wrenches as pokers, to reach in and push the belt in the directions I wanted it to go.

Probably the same exact spot. I threaded the belts from the front and didn't notice it for awhile, it was working fine except for more than expected friction (electronics not finished so wasn't powered yet). Looking from the rear it was pretty obvious. Fun re-threading those belts! And then de-racking the gantry and getting equal tension on the belts again. Seems fine now...

Great progress there. I have some of those same portable tables. The Voron must wobble a bit on them. :)

Some parts were missing on my Repbox, those were shipped today. Should be able to finish that this week. Just going through my filament storage and dessicant. I use some 5 gallon buckets with Gamma-Seal screw-top lids for most of it, and various rechargeable dessicants and a filament dryer.

Spent some time this morning on my remaining filament on spool scale program design. This convenient OpenSCAD program designs scales for measuring the filament on a spool. Inputs are 4 spool measurements, the program does the rest. Very convenient to quickly estimate the remaining filament on a spool and compare with the slicer's filament estimate to see if there is enough for the next print job. The 10.8m and 32g numbers are the amount of filament in one layer at the core of the spool, so when you get really low you can use that to help estimate what's left. Spools have different dimensions, so I make one of these scales for each type of spool, so I have a small collection of these for the filament spools I use.

I finally it my config file set up so that the neipixel LEDs in my stealthburner switch colors to indicate what the printer is doing. It took some work, Google, and a new acct and some posts at

Now it turns different colors when homing, leveling and printing. I still have a ways to go figuring out the config and macros.

I'll have to do the same for the chamber lighting, later, when Amazon drops off the LEDs.
I'm trying out Prusa Slicer today. I sliced some enclosure neopixel strip housings.

So far, Prusa Slicer seems a little more well integrated with the Klipper firmware. I'm liking it's interface a little better than Cura too. It's closer to what im accustomed to after using Flashprint for years.

It even populates a little preview in the Mainsail dashboard. That didn't happen running Cura gcode.


I printed these parts using Cura. Now i'm going to run them using PrusaSlicer for a performance comparison.
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Some Klipper folks like Super Slicer which is a variant of Prusa Slicer but with more knobs. It is a bit behind Prusa Slicer in features, most development is on Prusa Slicer so it gets features first.
Some Klipper folks like Super Slicer which is a variant of Prusa Slicer but with more knobs. It is a bit behind Prusa Slicer in features, most development is on Prusa Slicer so it gets features first.

The print I was running that was sliced with Prusa Slicer just crashed my extruder into the X endstop. It finished the top layer of the raft, the ran into the X endstop at travel speed (about 300mm/s).

I'm looking through the Gcode trying to figure out where, why and how but i'm not seeing it.

I can't find the problem in Prusa Slicer, so i have no idea what to change. I guess i'm back to using Cura.

I tried to upload the gcode file, but the forum won't let me.
Ouch. I would not expect any gcode to be able to move beyond safe limits, so the implication is that the limits are not set? Probably a good question to take to the Voron Discord, they are very helpful.
There are settings in Prusa Slicer under printer settings for machine limits as well as g codes at various points in the print process, such as between layers.