If you want to stop the spindle with only the e-stop button you could do that by switching the spindle motor contactor with an e-stop switch with 2 NC contacts, 1 for the limit circuit and one for the contactor coil circuit. This would not stop the spindle on a limit trip. A
switch like this with an extra NC contact block would do the trick.
To stop the spindle on an e-stop and limit trip you need to trip the contactor with a relay. Your BOB has a low volt relay that could control an SSR that would then control the contactor coil. At that point you are controlling the spindle with mach3.
Before I did the VFD conversion I had my spindle wired to run from mach3 or manualy using a
3 position switch. In position 1, mach3 would turn on a SSR to energize the contactor. Position 2 was all off. Position 3 would bypass the SSR and energize the contactor directly. I found this useful for doing manual work or using edge finders.
Having used the mill for over a year I am now comfortable using mach3 to do what I used to do manually.
Also, I have my system wired with 2 e-stops. One is through the BOB and stops the axis and spindle. The other kills all power to the machine for that "oh crap my machines is on fire" moment we hope never happens.