You seem to be taking it personally. I'm not being dismissive, I gave it thought and decided it wasn't an idea I liked nor one I wanted to explore further. No need to get defensive just because I didn't choose your idea or the one you like. I appreciate that you went through the trouble to mic a water jug. And I appreciate anyone else that has gone through the trouble to suggest something off the wall. Yes, it does lead to discovery of even different solutions, that doesn't mean they are viable.
I honestly don't really have the time to fully check out and try every idea that has been suggested. I have to weigh what I think is going to work the best for me within the boundaries I have set. It might be OK for you, but just because I don't like it, doesn't mean I am not appreciative or somehow insulting you. I believe I have been respectful in my responses to everyone. If you think I haven't, I regret the perception.
It may be that all of these ideas end up leading me down a different road that no one else thought of or brought up. It doesn't mean they weren't useful. I started down this path looking for a source for a smaller quantity of a specific product. I was given lots of alternate ideas, which is great, and has me thinking about them all.