So I have to bend this accurately.

I'm not sure how thick that stock is, but it looks like a tough project for simple tools.

My finding when bending things to a pre determined and written in stone specification is this-
First- Heat "might" be absolutely necessary, however that is a VERY imprecise bending aide. It will bollix up you measurements, because the "easy bending" part and the "not as easy bending" part, and the "not heated enough to matter" part are very uncontrollable, when you're trying to nail a clearance hole at both ends. That difference WILL affect the final result.
Second, whatever method you find that works (even if it involves heat), is to find the dimensions that matter to you, and mark the part to bend it as you THINK it will bend. BUT..... Before you do that, make marks on BOTH sides of the bend, so that you have a reference to go back to. Take the bent "test" part, measure what you GOT and add/subtract that to what you WANTED, and mark the "good" part accordingly. Then in theory (theory.....), the second one will come out correct.

If you're equipped, a fair and honest fix is to do it in multiple parts, and weld it together. That's a big job cleaning that up though. So while it's an option, it's best as a last resort.