Shop made, homemade drill press.

Today i spend all my free time driving steel place to steel place even visited couple of scrap yards, and finding pipe with 60 mm inside is difficult, i bought this exhaust pipe and this mercedes ML400 driveshaft, it was little expensive but should fit, the bigger pipe is 3 coll 89 mm i bought it for the column, i need to figure out some thing for the work table, i don't have a mill to mill T Nut slots and can't find a factory one, any ideas?
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B100, can you show more pics of the shaper please.
It's an interesting, cool concept of making T slots, but it must be milled at the end to have it flat and straight, i was thinking a dual table design, to rotate between square and detent rotary round table (dividing head) on the other side, because of that i'll have to make the raising and lowering of the table be on a rack and pinion, which will key the table mount, so i'll have to make the head swing left to right, to be able to do off center drilling.
Today i've been busy but did managed to cut, clean up the pipes i bought yesterday, and take couple of measurements, the silver pipe seams to be much harder material, some type of stainless steel or titanium, and is at 60 mm and is smooth inside, no weld rage but doesn't fit over the pipe i've machined, will try cleaning the inside with flap wheel, and is the piece i'll most likely use, the black driveshaft pipe is 59 mm inside and has big weld rage, this is the backup plan.
I was surprised why the pipe won't slide when i had 0.3 mm clearance i did not wanted to dirty up my flapper wheel so i decided to try and wash the pipe and was pleasantly surprised it wash out like new, smooth as glass, and after washing fits over the pipe i machined earlier, it has a little dent in the middle i need to push out or cut, what a difference little carbon made in the fit, and how smooth this pipe is was a surprise to me.
Have you heard of Murphy's law, i've been looking for drill press with a good quill with no success, today i visited an tools market and in between all the china crap i spotted this new spindle with an morse 2 taper and B16 chuck, almost identical part i made last week about 50% smaller and missing the upper drive part, it was at a good price so i bought it, i'm interested how is the drive spline called, i've seen it before on other machinery i've put the last picture with a gear with the same drive spline only bigger.
it was at a good price so i bought it


Those are words to live by.
If you don't use it for this project it will come in useful for another one at a later time, and you'll have it on hand.

Honestly, reading this thread and seeing the pieces of steel that you are having to work with makes me feel two ways:
1) lucky....................for both the used equipment dealers and the machine-tool parts places around that have decent prices, and
2) a little guilty..........I may have pieces of steel tube in my steel recycle bin that are better than your raw stock.

I wish I could send you some steel tube at a reasonably shipping cost!

But from what I've seen, you will be able to produce a very functional tool from pieces of scrap metal.
I commend your attitude and approach to making the best parts you can from the stock at hand.

I respect your fortitude!
I'm impressed with the build. He's only one step above pouring his own steel.