Sad day in my little town

Would you want everyone to know how much money you received in a settlement? Imagine all the relatives and "friends" coming out of the woodwork, needing "Emergency loans"... In the case of the store, would they want the contractor to know how deep their pockets were when bidding on the rebuild?
It's the other side of the coin, the ones that use it to prevent their misdeeds from being told. Or preemptively doing NDA's and then being a bad actor because everyone is sworn to secrecy.
Agreed, But I assume, If a settlement was reached, we can take the "misdeeds" as read...
Agreed, But I assume, If a settlement was reached, we can take the "misdeeds" as read...
What is missing, and what should be expressly disallowed is the prohibition on naming the scummy company that refused to pay, then refused to pay again after it was court ordered, etc. Yes, I would absolutely like the track record of any insurance co that I use to be fully disclosed. The amount needn't be disclosed, but protecting the guilty is over the line.

Yes, but I don't know of a case where someone who refused to pay was still be protected by an NDA? It's usually a pay, you keep quiet kind of deal. If they don't pay the contract is null & void.
Yes, but I don't know of a case where someone who refused to pay was still be protected by an NDA? It's usually a pay, you keep quiet kind of deal. If they don't pay the contract is null & void.
I mean even, as in this case, if they refused to pay and had to be taken to court (assuming the court agreed, again as in this case, that they were obligated to pay).

Yes, but I don't know of a case where someone who refused to pay was still be protected by an NDA? It's usually a pay, you keep quiet kind of deal. If they don't pay the contract is null & void.
not necessarily. once the contract is signed, it's valid.
it's terrible, that they have you sign an NDA to get what is yours. You paid premiums, and then a court ordered them to pay when they refused.
An NDA is just another slap in the face.
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Sure, but if one party doesn't hold up to their part of the agreement, they are in breach of contract, then the other party is not bound to uphold their part.
I hear what you guys are saying. Bottom line is our store is being rebuilt. If I were her I'd keep my mouth shut until it's finished at least. But who would it benefit if she disclosed everything? Probably open it up to a new lawsuit that would cost money to defend against.

Again. I'm still surprised she didn't take the money and run. But the store has been in the family for 92 years now and her sons will eventually inherit it. The one son really doesn't need the bucks, he's a professional athlete making big bucks.