Sad day in my little town

Talk to the owners now and let them know the community supports them.
Talk to them about what you have discussed.
Also now is the time to talk to your fellow car enthusiasts about events as the events get planned early.
Racing is right around the corner!
Hats off to you. What a great example of selflessness.
What a great example of selflessness.
That was very kind of you to say. I'm not too bad a guy no matter what "woodchucker" says :p (joke)

I've already contacted the guy that runs the nw nova group. All he said was "Hmmmm....." Doesn't sound like he's onboard with the idea. But there are others to ask.

Can't really do much yet, just have to wait and see what they are going to do. There is a fund for donations at a credit union for them. I know the wheels of insurance companies move very slowly, and again as far as I know the owners haven't said anything. Probably still in shock I'm guessing.
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I'm also very sorry to hear of this fire in your home town. If there is a fund raiser please post info. Thank God there was no loss of life.
I haven't heard anything at all about what's going on. I don't know the owners personally, and the people that work there I only saw them at work, so again no news. I'd like to do a cruise in, but the owners need to communicate with us and let us know what they need. Everybody wants to help but talk to us.

I did talk to one person at the hospital and she lives in Toutle and says they are going to rebuild, but who knows who she is talking with. It's a major loss for all of us up here. The log trucks always stopped in, the hunters, the buses for the religious retreat were there a lot also. It was a very busy place. A lot of times there was no parking at all that's how busy it could get.

If I hear anything I'll post it.
Well finally I got a hold of someone that knows whats going on. They are selling t shirts and we bought 4. I also mentioned the idea of a cruise in. She said that was a great idea and I have a local rod builder that's interested in coming. So.........have to wait and see. Tomorrow we are going up to Riverdale raceway to get two of the shirts and I can talk to that person about the cruise in. I'm sure the racers will want to get involved.

Thanks Brino for the cruise in idea.

I just dropped $80 on 4 shirts. It's for a good cause though.

I already miss Drew's chicken and jojo's.

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That's fantastic news, well done!
Fire destroys more than buildings.
It’s too bad.
Yes it does. The good thing is this unfortunate event has brought out the good in people here. I don't think the owners had any idea how much support they would get from everyone.

I guess my concern is will the interest in helping fade away over time. From what they have said it might be a year before the store opens again. People tend to forget or lose interest. I guess with me being retired and with the gas prices being to high the 60 mile round trip weekly to Winco (large grocery chain store here) looks less attractive to save money. So if Drew"s was still open I'd tend to just buy from them. I wish there was some way to speed up the rebuilding process. The demo hasn't even started yet. I'm sure that's the insurance companies doing. They move soooo slowly trying to hang onto their money as long as they can.

Years ago I had a friend that was a doctor and he was on the board of a large insurance company. He told me they actually lost money as an insurance company, where they made there money was the interested they made with the money they had deposited. So the longer they held onto the money, the more money they made. Sucks but that's how they operate I guess.