Sad day in my little town

I hope it goes well. Communit sticking together is great. I’m sure there are quite a lot of investigations going on as the insurance companit’s do that. I hope they also have some kind of loss of business clause. Sad but I hope they come back better than ever.
Last I heard was the investigation is still in progress. They really can't comment on it at this point.

I don't know about a loss of business clause. One thing that concerns all of us is the employees. They are all out of a job. They are putting up a red leaf coffee drive through up in the same lot and they are starting to hire people for that, but they can't hire everyone.

Best estimates to get the store back up and running is 1 year. Gonna be a long time without chicken and Jo's :(
Well after 7 months they finally did the demolition on our little store. I've asked many times about whats going on and all I got was they were waiting on the insurance.

I hope they rebuilding doesn't take another 7 months to start.

For now they brought in a double wide mobile and have a small store going, but no deli, and they put in Red Leaf coffee place.

I miss my chicken strips and seeing the people that worked there. They were always asking me what car I was working on. None of them has seen the 55 yet.

Maybe if they have something like a grand opening I can take my cars up there for it.


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Well it's been 30 months now since this happened. I sure miss my chicken and jojo's.

I'm told an epic court batter ensued over it. Not sure of the specifics but the store owner won and the insurance company appealed and lost, then said they wouldn't pay. So another court battle and the judge finally said they would pull the insurance companies license to operate in Washington, and apparently that spilled over to Oregon.

Well from the picture you can see they got their money, and then got extra because of punitive damages and loss of income because of the delays. It cost the insurance company way more that if they had just paid the claim I'm told.

They say construction will be done by the end of December. Then it will take time to get the store up and running. I hope the cute gal will be there in the deli again. :p

Insurance companies hate paying a claim, they just want the premium money free.