Residents of CT are getting a tax shock today

Same deal here in CO, personal property tax. They are going to get you one way or another. I did get a 50% reduction in my property tax when I turned 65, but you have to request it in our county. Mike
Illinois taxes real estate at a high manipulated rate? Before my mortgage was paid off the payments were close to the same (indiana) as my uncle was paying in property taxes every year in illinois, which is why they are seeing a population decline in the state as well.
Real estate taxes are ridiculous I agree. But that’s paying for the schools, municipalities etc. Luckily my town has a lot of industry to offset the tax base. Most don’t have multiple houses as they do cars. To be taxed on a cars value every year is just wrong. Where does the line stop motorcycles boats jet skis ? What’s the reason paying for the roads? Isn’t that what the gas taxes are for? We pay a license plate sticker fee here to. I think it’s up to 125 a year. Even though high I think I’m getting a deal now hearing what others pay. It just needs to stop!!
in ny,nj you pay a registration fee.. sounds better than taxes. it's based on the size of your vehicles, as bigger vehicles cause more damage. it's basically a license to be on the road. any vehicle must pay it. but it's reasonable.. I can't remember what it is, now, somewhere in the 50-100 dollar range a year.
We have a registration fee too that goes to the state, this goes to the town you live in. Businesses have to pay this too on all their assets down to every pen and paper clip used in the business.
In California I have to pay personal property tax on the trees in the orchard.
You would here in CT too if they are used in your business. CT taxes every single item a business uses, but the tax rate varies by how long it has been used.
So let me get this straight. They tax you ever year you own the car? Do you have gas tax?
Taxing the same thing multiple times sounds ludicrous to me. I have three cars I barely drive And 1 daily. One has 2020 gas in it. Two motorcycles. Your telling me they’re tax each car at their crazy manipulated scale.
Taxation,taxation,taxation. Now I’m confident I will never move to CT Beautiful place.
Remember those great people are elected in.
Yes, you pay every year for every motor vehicle, that includes cars, boats, motorcycles, etc. regardless of how often it is used.

We have registration fees as well as a gas tax. This personal property tax is a way for towns to get extra revenue in addition to real estate taxes.
Yes, you pay every year for every motor vehicle, that includes cars, boats, motorcycles, etc. regardless of how often it is used.

We have registration fees as well as a gas tax. This personal property tax is a way for towns to get extra revenue in addition to real estate taxes.