Residents of CT are getting a tax shock today

It’s just the way they calculate taxes, a mill rate of 28 means your tax is $28 per $1,000 in assessed value. Basically it’s a wired way of saying 0.28%.
$28 per $1000 is 2.8%, by the way.

Edit to add: This link shows the rate by municipality/district. Some are higher, some are lower.

We may need another tea party to sort all of this out.
Just sayin................................
Tea party is pretty much about politics. Careful you don't get this thread shut down.
Just sayin.......... ;)

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It’s just the way they calculate taxes, a mill rate of 28 means your tax is $28 per $1,000 in assessed value. Basically it’s a wired way of saying 0.28%.

I don’t know when they put that in, but I heard it was a sneaky way to keep real estate property taxes low. Towns rake in millions of dollars on the personal property tax.
in ny,nj you pay a registration fee.. sounds better than taxes. it's based on the size of your vehicles, as bigger vehicles cause more damage. it's basically a license to be on the road. any vehicle must pay it. but it's reasonable.. I can't remember what it is, now, somewhere in the 50-100 dollar range a year.
Alabama is considered a "poor" state, mostly because we don't have all those silly taxes. I have a C-30 Chev dump truck, '68 model, that I have just because I don't want to be totally grounded. I don't have a driver license and don't drive at all. But if I ever need or want to, and the battery is up, I can. Tag and liability insurance run a little over $40 a year. The truch is legal, just I'm not. I can loan it out if I ever wanted to, but I normally don't loan anything unless I'm along.

I'm over 65, so don't pay property taxes. In actuality, the only fees or taxes we do pay are on gasoline and food. Well, whenever we spend any money. When I buy machinery it is usually "pre-owned", mostly because I am looking at the overall quality of the item. I don't "collect" anything, just looking at the projected longevity of it. The point being that pre-owned anything is not taxed here. Not really a "Tax Rebel", I've just situated myself where I don't spend unnecessarily in my old age.

So let me get this straight. They tax you ever year you own the car? Do you have gas tax?
Taxing the same thing multiple times sounds ludicrous to me. I have three cars I barely drive And 1 daily. One has 2020 gas in it. Two motorcycles. Your telling me they’re tax each car at their crazy manipulated scale.
Taxation,taxation,taxation. Now I’m confident I will never move to CT Beautiful place.
Remember those great people are elected in.
speaking of ... I was at lowes after hd. I needed stuff for my garage door, my cable broke. from the spring.
so hd had cables but I wanted a pulley in case I needed one. hd didn't have.. went to lowes, the cables were 2 times the price almost of hd.
I picked up a pulley. They had garage doors next to it... A sale on one of them... A sticker on it exclaiming the sale price. lower down was the regular price... I'll take the regular price over the sale price.. $75 cheaper on regular price than the sale price.
Must have been the NEW MATH.
So let me get this straight. They tax you ever year you own the car? Do you have gas tax?
Taxing the same thing multiple times sounds ludicrous to me. I have three cars I barely drive And 1 daily. One has 2020 gas in it. Two motorcycles. Your telling me they’re tax each car at their crazy manipulated scale.
Taxation,taxation,taxation. Now I’m confident I will never move to CT Beautiful place.
Remember those great people are elected in.
Illinois taxes real estate at a high manipulated rate? Before my mortgage was paid off the payments were close to the same (indiana) as my uncle was paying in property taxes every year in illinois, which is why they are seeing a population decline in the state as well.