I like to check property values when we travel. We are heading to South Carolina in the Spring, just for fun.
I noticed SC has a property tax rate of .52%. !!! Not bad.
Maryland .99%
New Jersey
California 1%
A $500,000 appraised value home =
SC -$2,600
Maryland $4,950
New Jersey
California $5,000
For those who have a mortgage and an impound account, the New Jersey property would add $929 a month to your payment!!
My wife and I are very fortunate in that we have no debt. It's hard enough to cough up the $3,400 a year for property tax.
We lucked out when we lost our home in Paradise, the county allowed us to adopt our Paradise property tax plus 10%. Otherwise we would be over $5,000 a year.
Yes we pay $4.25 for a gallon of gas where other states are now paying less than $3.00.
The point of this thread, I think it would be interesting to discuss the related costs of living in the states of our choice and why.
In our case, our kids, grandchildren, friends and extended family live in California for the most part. And the weather is pretty darn good.
This is for the state of New York!!
Property Tax Rates for Tax Year 2024
- Class 1 - 20.085%
- Class 2 - 12.502%
- Class 3 - 12.094%
- Class 4 - 10.592%
Anybody know about the class system??