Preferred scale direction conventions?

My RF clone moves the table to the left and rear with clockwise rotation of the cranks( increasing dial readings). The quill moves down with clockwise rotation of the fine feed which also corresponds to an increasing dial reading. The DRO is set so clockwise crank rotation corresponds to +X, +Y, and -Z. Note that this corresponds to movement of the spindle relative to the table of right, front , and down.

My Tormach PCNC running PathPilot moves the table to the left and front, and the spindle up with clockwise rotation of the jog/shuttle. The DRO reading increases in X, Y, and Z with clockwise rotation of the jog/shuttle.

The difference in the two coordinate systems was confusing at first but it didn't take too long before I became accustomed to the differences.
As noted above (here and here), I had difficulty grokking (yes, per Merriam-Webster it's a word) the disconnection between the TouchDRO Coordinate System (and just about all vertical mill coordinate systems) and my Mini-Mill, particularly when using the bolt circle function & also due to the coordinate system used by my 2D CAD package (MacDraft Pro):

MacDraft Coordinate System
20240628 MDP Coodinate System.jpg

I always have to remember that in MacDraft, +Y is down and –Y is up, which while it matches my Mini-Mill as delivered (until I reversed the Y-Axis dial), does not match the Cartesian Coordinate System I learned in Algebra 58± years ago and which is what is used by TDRO and others:

Mini-Mill, TouchDRO (and others) Coordinate System (Column is in the +Y direction)
20240628 Mill Coodinate System.jpg

Last night I sent an email to my contact at Microspot asking if there is some hidden way to change the coordinate system, but since it is now after 5:00pm in Aylesford I'm not expecting a response until next week.
Heard back from MicroSpot: while MacDraft does allow the zero point (0,0) to be moved to anywhere in the drawing space, the axis directions are fixed. I'll try to remember to note the steps I use to draw the next bolt circle layout, what I do in TouchDRO and then post an update (I'll also try to remember to record my screen both in MacDraft and TouchDRO).