I've also used carpet tape when using the diamond drag engraver, it works great and releases okay when soaked in lacquer thinner. I made the hobby horse below for a grand-niece and engraved a brass plaque that is attached under the front cross-member. The thin brass was taped to a plate of aluminum as you described above.
You'll see the wavy path in the last photo vs. a crisp line; I found that running the diamond drag at a slow RPM of around 200 RPMs yielded the wavy line. I'm guessing it was from the slop in the spring-loaded tip into the base. Spinning it at 1000+ gave me a straight line.
Another aside is regarding Tormach's conversational routines for DXF files and text engraving. DXF files have depth parameters for the start, depth, and end of the cut. It's pretty simple to make multiple passes of increasing depth. However, their Engrave text conversational routine has depth parameters of start and depth of cut (no progressive step-down parameter). I can do a DXF starting at 0, and make repetitive passes advancing 0.010" per pass to a final depth of 0.050" (for example) in one shot. To do the same thing in Engrave text, I need to enter a routine at a start of 0 with a DOC of 0.010", then add additional routines with a new DOC to cut progressively deeper. It's a pretty easy workaround, though I'm curious why they have a step-down feature in DXF engraving and not in text engraving.
Maybe I'll enter a ticket to Tormach, I've been VERY HAPPY with their response. Long story longer, Tormach implemented a suggestion I threw at them 5 years ago involving DXF engraving. Their generated G-code included a spindle and coolant stop at the end of each shape. Then, move to the next shape, turn the spindle and coolant on, then drop Z to cut the next shape. Once the shape was cut, raise Z to Z-clear, shut the spindle and coolant off, and move to the next shape; rinse and repeat. I suggested that once the DXF was started, leave the spindle and coolant on while moving to the next shape. The repetitive spindle/coolant on/offs in the routine tripled the run time. I used G-edit to comment out all of the spindle/coolant start/stops (except for the first on and last off), but they implemented the suggestion.
View attachment 517694
View attachment 517695
Wavy engraving using a diamond drag at low RPM vs. higher RPM below.
View attachment 517696
DXF routine has parameters for start depth, end depth, and step-down to get to the end depth
View attachment 517698
Text engraving has a start depth and finished depth, no parameter for step-down.
View attachment 517697
One of the more difficult tasks with engraving ttf fonts is most of them aren't single line fonts. I found several on line and if you add them to the font library is PathPilot, it is more than happy to use them. I am still using an old version of PathPilot, the same that was current when I moved from Mach 3 to PathPilot. I have been hesitant to make the upgrade as what I have works and I don't want to upset the apple cart.. It is lacking in some features but so far, I've been able to do everything I have to.