POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

I thought the box was huge to begin with. Sadly it came with the mill, so I'm kinda stuck with it. Only kinda just because I don't want to buy more.
The caution really is that it's really hard to stuff more electronics and wiring in, when the box is full. Better to have empty space than having wires being crammed in and physically breaking components due to stresses.
The caution really is that it's really hard to stuff more electronics and wiring in, when the box is full. Better to have empty space than having wires being crammed in and physically breaking components due to stresses.

Last week I made a test gib a friend here. I went on Friday to test fit. It worked great. So he gave me 4 slices to make the real ones. So yesterday afternoon and a bit today. I got the 4 pieces to size.
Next weekend I will cut the angled sides and face taper.


Cutting oil is my blood.
Nothing in the shop yet... getting quotes to run power to the workshop. And quotes for the driveway...

Meanwhile, working in the yard... nothing like the smell of manure in the morning...

I use Eagle Rock Knurlers, the scissor type work well for me, mine has a 3/4" shank so use with an oversized BXA holder. I run the RPM at around 160 RPM, a little slower if large diameter. I start the knurling at one end and tighten the nut 3/4 of a turn and knurl in a single pass. I have tried multiple passes, sometimes it works, other times it will mistracts, depends on the diameter. Important to use plenty of lube, and clean the knurling wheels. I made a larger T handle to adjust the knurling depth, I use it quite a bit. Thought of making a cam style, but with the T handle I can quickly dial in a 3/4 turn depth and am done in one pass.

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Knurled micrometer stop wheels.
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Thanks. I need to watch some knurling vids I'm a total noob at knurling.