POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Just like downtown!

Nice job on that, the action is really sweet to watch.
Very nice! My old bikes haven't made it into the disk brake era, still in the side pull caliper time zone.

Gotta watch the disk brakes, they will stop you in a hurry. I’m a country boy, helmets weren’t even invented when I was a boy. Nor needed on dirts roads. 12 or 14 years ago I was zipping around on my new bike (with disks brakes AND no helmet) and I paid the price for not realizing how good disk brakes are. I spent several days in the hospital with most of them being in a coma. I guess I did a header over the bike and hit the pavement head first.
Gotta watch the disk brakes, they will stop you in a hurry. I’m a country boy, helmets weren’t even invented when I was a boy. Nor needed on dirts roads. 12 or 14 years ago I was zipping around on my new bike (with disks brakes AND no helmet) and I paid the price for not realizing how good disk brakes are. I spent several days in the hospital with most of them being in a coma. I guess I did a header over the bike and hit the pavement head first.
I found that was a problem with bike brakes in general. Use too much pressure on the front brakes and the same thing can happen. (Front brake lock up.) I did it as a paperboy and went over the the handle bars. Used my hands to protect my head and face. Ground up my palms pretty well on the rough stoned asphalt. Took a while to heal. Never rode again without riding gloves.
I guess I did a header over the bike and hit the pavement head first.
Yikes! I usually wear a helmet.
I've got hydraulic disk brakes on my Ebike. Nicely controllable stops. But the oil slowly leaks out. Johnson's baby oil. Once a year needs a bit added. I wore out a set of brake pads in about 3200 miles. They start out pretty thin.
I finished making handles for the a pair of Busch 1013 cast iron surface plates I'm working on finishing

One of the handles ended up about a thou over sized, so I spent far too long dialing it in and then used a vertical shear tool to skim it down to size
The handles ended up a very nice fit. I'd guess that they ranged from about 0.001" clearance to 0.0005" interference. I also added some loctited 603 for good measure

I still need to make a scraper so that I can start into scraping them. I'm planning on making that my winter project while it's too cold to be in my shop.
Yikes! I usually wear a helmet.
I've got hydraulic disk brakes on my Ebike. Nicely controllable stops. But the oil slowly leaks out. Johnson's baby oil. Once a year needs a bit added. I wore out a set of brake pads in about 3200 miles. They start out pretty thin.

The only time I wear a helmet is when i know that I am about to do something that is risky or dangerous (Jumps/stunts).

Wearing a helmet whilst riding on the road anywhere in the UK, but particularly in LDN is just asking for extremely close, inch-off-the-end-of-your-handlebars punishment-passes by idiotic motorists despite the "minimum passing distance" legislation, which means moving over entirely into the next lane to pass a cyclist. Even worse when bus drivers or HGV drivers close pass cyclists. And the ASZ Box for cyclists at traffic lights? lets not get started on how much abused they are and the "road rage" drivers get when cyclists use the ASZ as intended.

ASZ Box = An "Advanced Starting Zone" box, place ahead of all other traffic, at the very front of the traffic light queue, with a filter from the (narrow) cycle lane to the side of the road to allow cyclist to use it. Intended ONLY for cyclists, but often abused and used by every other vehicle on the road who do not understand that entering that ASZ box means they have passed a stop line at an ATS to do so and are open to points and fines as a result. Not even mopeds/Motorcycles are supposed to use it, but as a cyclist, I have no problem with moped/motorcycle riders using it to protect themselves by getting an advanced starting position.