POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Put down some of those horse mats years ago, after cutting them to size. They certainly aren't any fun to move, but I have to say they work great, easy to clean, and I and the next guy who has them will be long dead before they wear out. Mike
Put down some of those horse mats years ago, after cutting them to size. They certainly aren't any fun to move, but I have to say they work great, easy to clean, and I and the next guy who has them will be long dead before they wear out. Mike
I've seen holes worn through several of them, by our stallions. I was surprised to find that a jig saw or bandsaw does reasonably well cutting them, haven't tried a circular saw.
I used an oscillating tool with a disc saw blade, worked great. The smell dissipated really quickly, it's not like that pervasive china rubber stink that hits you in the face at Horror Fright or Lowe's. More like new tires. I packed my tool boxes with camphor around the same time that I installed the mat, so maybe I burned out my sniffer- it's entirely possible- but I stopped smelling rubber quickly. Now it just smells like shop. Or l'air ambiánt dù shop, if you're shopping for aromatherapy candles.
Didn't watch the video, but from the still image, it looks tippy to me. I'd hate to have a wheel catch on something and tip over, dumping chucks on concrete.
I am so limited on space that I think I can make the idea work.... Actually I have a spot this could live without moving it around...
I made these injector sleeves out of 304 Stainless steel,it was some kind of mild steel before, for a John Deere 8850 V8 tractor for one of my clients. We only made it because it was not available around here for this model and he could only get it on back order and had to wait months for it. It was not easy getting measurements from samples like these.
I could at least get the angle from the outside seating angle and I got the injector seat angle from the injector for the inside angle and the seat worked out perfectly. You can see from the sharpie marks,which I colored on the injector transferred to the sleeve made by the injector.
Here is all 8 of them and the injector peeking out at the tip.

I don't like working with stainless, but this was fun.