Finished it today, but spent a good part of the week building a boring/facing head from castings and plans supplied by MLATOOLBOX.
Put in a plug for Andrew, some of the nicest castings I've ever worked with. Absolutely no porosity or hard spots, a joy to machine.
Had to spend some time grinding a cutter for the feed nut, 1/2 -40 left hand thread 1 inch deep.
Lots of parts, tried just setting the parts on the oven rack rather than hanging them to spray the powder coat. Could not get an even coat near the grate with or without the electric charge on ? Lesson learned, hang them.
Now I need a project than needs facing or an o-ring groove. lol
Interesting note, I made the feed knob out of mystery metal from the bin, machined nice. I usually chemically blue my dials then polish them off leaving the graduations black.What ever this was wouldn't react with the blueing, its magnetic, possibly ferritic stainless ?????
Thanks for looking