I was seeing several YouTube machinist channels show off their vertical bridgeport type machines with steering wheel quill feed. A few weeks ago, I found a seller that wanted $150, and had an adapter for a few Wells-Index machines, but not my model. So while checking to see what was different, I figured I could make the adapter from some scrap, and bought the wheel from eBay for $30.
The drive into the existing quill shaft was 2 1/4" roll pins 180 degrees apart, on a 1 in bolt circle (I had a assortment box of roll pins, that when measured, were not 1/4" but 6mm, so I drilled the holes for a nice fit). The steering wheel uses 6 M5x0.8 screws on a 70mm bolt circle (these came with the steering wheel). Easy work on the rotary table.
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The original quill handle came bent and brazed repaired from the previous owner.
I have not used the machine, so I can't say if this is a good modification or not. It does look different.