POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Drilled and power tapped the set screw holes for a 3 piece die holder/toolbar to use on the press.
The 3 pieces get bolted together and a sleeve welded to the top center to accept the ram.


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Finally got the backplate done for the 8in 3jaw. Dinked one of the mounting bolt holes by a few thousandths, for whatever reason. Bored it .025, and down the road we go. Now I have to do the one for the 4 jaw.20221225_170022.jpg
Charger shelf.

We picked up battery powered chainsaw and blower.

Chainsaw is "consumer level" and lower is commercial.

Chainsaw takes a smaller battery and comes with charger and battery, commercial blower is all separate, battery is bigger but will work in smaller charger.

Got a second battery for blower, with many trees the 2 batteries last as long as I do, but took too long to charge.

Trip to our favorite pawn shop and they had the hedge trimmer, battery and charger for fair price.

2 chargers allow faster cycle for chores but we have no shelf space, too much stuff.

Looked in the stock pile and found a relay rack foot, just about perfect size, fits 2 chargers with space in the middle to set batteries.

Chargers have key hole socks for wall mounting, yhey also have a deep hole so you can have keyhole screws with a pin to hold them on flat shelf.

Found a short Chunk of wall purlin under the power panel, perfect.

Would rather they be higher but no place to mount it.

There was already an outlet just above so easy and done.

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Finally made a little progress on the D Gray pinch knurler. Had to borrow the 1/2" reamer from work. We normally don't use that big stuff all that often... ;)

Anyway, decided to clean up all the surfaces, and I think they look pretty good. Something about making custom knives makes it really really hard to leave an unfinished surface anywhere. And this steel is pretty soft (compared to knife steels), so it was pretty easy to clean up...


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