Connected the electronics up to the motor and encoder shown in post 7402 for first machine integration! First test - does the RPM match the machine's? Answer: yep, pretty dang close! Is the sense of rotation correct, yep. Does the stepper motor turn the correct way - no! Easy fix, didn't account for the flipping of the motor and timing pulleys. Does it cut threads? Yes. Are they the right pitch? Nope. Seem to be off by a factor of about 2.4. A 10 TPI thread seems to cut as 24 TPI. Pretty pleased nonetheless. Homebrew ELS system, wrote my own software from scratch, made my own interface boards. It may take a while to sort out the bugs, but it's a very good day today. Time on project so far: 4 months.
Edit: Wrong gear box setting. Set to position 1A = 1:1 and upped the stepper motor current to 5A. Now cutting 10 TPI threads on a 10 TPI setting. Woohoo!