POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Continuing the insanity... I got bored with figuring out a place to stash my patented, crazily over-built Whacker Bar (tm).

I found some random thing on my stock shelf. I have a vague feeling that this was a part to something that I probably shouldn't have cut up. But whatever. I cut it up. I cleaned up the cuts on a belt grinder, because I lose enough blood without putting pokey edges where pokey edges don't belong.

I cleaned it up, and did what passes for welding at my shop. It's a lot like welding. only with more wire stuck to things, and more smoke.
Then I pained it with some Deep Green Hammerite that cost me $20.00 a quart in 2020, and now costs $80 a quart. Woof!

Et voilà! A world-class whacker bar holder thingie, mounted conveniently and attractively to the front of my lathe, for easy whacking access. In paint that kinda sorta almost somewhat matches. Plus I had to shave one of the zip screws with a die grinder to get the Whacker Bar (tm) to fit, so that's why I brushed faux green $18,000 a gallon exotic it worked really well, so we had to discontinue it for environmental reasons paint all over everything.)
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First, let me say... I have several dozen knives that have found their way to being owned by me in one way or another. Most of them are not expensive... $15 to $40 probably.

So when 'someone' who I won't name (because I love her too much) decided to borrow a knife, decided to grab one of my nicer knives... to use as a prybar... while I was at work... and broke the tip off the blade...

...I wasn't very happy.

The knife in question is a Spyderco Delica II that I bought new in 1997. All things considered, it isn't an expensive knife compared to some, but when I bought it, I remember thinking I had lost my mind to pay that much for a pocketknife.

So, anyway... this morning, I decided to attempt to grind the blade to return it to a point... at least make it functional again...

What have I got to lose, right?



I put it in a machinist vise and put it on the surface plate and used a height guage to set the blade angle...


Then set it up on the surface grinder and ground the blade using a spray mist to keep the blade cool...


I rounded the edges on a scotchbrite wheel and...



The blade is 3/8" shorter, so it looks out of proportion to the handle, but at least it's useable...

Today i spent 3-4 hours cleaning the big garage, i started at the small cabinet next to the door the shelfs had broken and all my tools fell down, i had a stalk of flywheels that all fall down. I used wood boards to reinforce it and did some upgrades, like connecting a power cable also rearranged couple of other tings but my brothers car has been sitting there disassembled for months now, it needs to go for paint immediately. Once is out i'll have place to move things around.
Semi-annual HVAC system check is first thing tomorrow, so I had to move the mobile bandsaw chest, Shop Vac cart and miscellaneous mobile storage out of the way:

Door View.JPG
Clear path to the door (in an emergency I can get out in less than 30 seconds, but doing it neatly so I can move freely takes a little longer).

Shop View.JPG
Can still walk around the core storage & utility area, just can't do any work.

Ready for Inspection.JPG
Per the service techs, this is sufficient space for what they need to do (it is normally only about 24" wide).
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Today i spent half a day cleaning my workshop, i also set up the tire machine in its place. I run power to it and a lot of trash got thrown out. My work bench is still a mess and my green shelf but i need to make more shelves to have space to move thing around. The rest of the day i took a trip in nature with the little niva, there is a a band for going in wooded areas because of fires so i had to go where others go.
Awhile back, I picked up this Delta Milwaukee 12" disc grinder...


Then a couple of weeks ago, I found and bought a stand for it on ebay...


I decided this week to get the two together and see if they would start a reationship.

I fabricated a base frame from 2x2x3/16" angle, added some casters, and bolted the stand to it, then mounted the grinder and bolted it down...20220908_140818.jpg

Next... wiring. I plan to put a power switch in the opening on the front, then run the power wire out the back. I'll have to machine an adapter plate for the opening... it's too big for a standard switch box.
