POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

I use a Snowcaster for less than 3 inch snow. It is great. Just pushing and no lifting.

You see him flipping the shovel each turn. That is because it works like a plow and it is tilted. For me I have a long driveway and I just push one way all the way to the end and without flipping just come all the way back and dump at the end. Repeat for me 8 times and it is cleared. Then do walkways flipping if needed.

Also it does push the snow to the sides which can build up. The Snowcaster only works with snow under 3 inches or so and there are times when I need to get the snowblower out and at that time I make a pass at the edge of the driveway throwing all the snow further away. We have a plow service that comes and does the main plow if it is deep and the Snowcaster is helpful for walkways and tidying up the commercial plow work.

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I agree, only a dump truck's worth... I don't have a tractor but I do have a snowblower and it would definitely get started and used for a lot less snow. Although when I lived in Montana before global warming, one inch would have been classed as unmeasurable trace amounts of snow.
I don't know. Have often shoveled out small snowfalls when I should have fired up the snowblower. Sometimes I find it a lot more calming to put in some manual labor of the shoveling sort, than firing up a noisy machine. Large snowfalls, yeah, going straight to the machine.
The tractor is a diesel and I have to plug in the heater for a couple of hours before starting in cold weather. If the snowfall is light, it is often less trouble to shovel or sweep than staring the tractor. Timewise, not that much difference. Our firewood stash is located at the barn about 100 yds away and my wife has taken on the chore of replenishing it. I have offered to bring the wood up with the Ford tractor. It has a box on the 3 pt. that holds a sixth of a cord so a couple of trips is good for a week of cold weather. Her weapon of choice is her wheel barrel. She says it is her workout routine.

This morning, she was going to bring in fresh firewood and I don't like to have anyone or anything track through the snow before it is cleared so I needed to clear a path for her before the tractor could warm up. As long as I was going to clear a path for her anyway, I just decided to do the whole job. We don't need a Silver Sneakers subscription or gym membership. ;)

@Cadillac STS , I have a shovel that functions much like the Snow Caster bur without the wheels. It works well but I still have to lift the snow over the bank on the side. Otherwise, by Spring, the driveway would only be inches wide..
Today after work i continued on the scenic, tried to drive it to the big garage but the engine lock up on me. So i had to drag it with the 605, my neighbors are used to seeing me in all vehicles but they usually run. One thing i did noticed the oil pan it has a big dent on the bottom maybe it has something to do with why this engine failed. I also took a picture of the CV joint, this cars has those french CV that are pain to work with. I also spent an hour taking apart the engine bay, i disconnect the wiring and all the hoses. Working on a non AC car is much easier less staff in the way. One thing i forgot is those engines come out from the bottom, it's been awhile since i've had to swap a K series engine