PM1236 Cross Slide Lock Access

Easy alternative is to put the lock on the other side, otherwise just make a stand off for the glass scale. I find it more convenient on the headstock side and no fumbling for a wrench or key. One can set the cross slide gibs tension a bit higher and not use a lock, but may cause a bit more wear. If you are trying to hit diameter work to 0.001" or lower, a cross slide lock helps to prevent any creeping of the cross slide. Would not mount a scale on the headstock side.
If/when I upgrade the Mini-Lathe & -Mill I’m planning on PM, with a visit to their operations (4 hour drive) for discussions and working a deal so the machine(s) would come prepared for scales but would select and install scales (and TouchDRO) myself.
When I ordered mine I ordered the PM1236 with full options and it cam with the DRO scales installed. The DRO it came with had been damaged in transit and when PM replaced it I opted to upgrade to the better unit which is also what my PM-940 Mill came with. I really like the DRO which is installed now and I really like the display and function between the Lathe and the Mill being the same; I think there is a great deal to be said, all good, for installing a DRO that you want after you get the machine.
Been watching this thread as I'm ready to install the Y scale on my new lathe today.

I have decided to install the scale on the chuck side of the cross slide to give me unfettered access to the carriage lock and tailstock clearance. Also to utilize the existing steady rest bolt holes. On the headstock side the impact to swing over the carriage is quite minimal. If ever I had a job that required that last bit of swing (unlikely) I could always remove the read head.

I had the scale on the tailstock side on a previous lathe and found that frequently annoying.
I have had a number of projects where the space between the chuck and the cross slide were critical, I personally would not mount anything there. My answer to my tail stock extension is to build the parts needed to install to allow it to have an additional 2", that will solve my issue.