"Until you get to a 12x lathe with a Norton QCGB, lathes tend to have very limited functions in their QCGB, and many feed changes and almost all threading involves swapping change gears."
Yeah, I know, but that's the size I learned on, and I am adverse to change
. Nah, I was really hoping to essentially get a 12x36 with a short bed in the 1228, and for the most part that's true, with the exception of the carriage/apron setup that is still a bit in the 'funky' mini lathe mindset. A single knob that pivots up/down/left/right would have been absolutely awesome in my book, but what we have is enough if I can get it to be a tool-less operation. I won't do a ton of off-size threading, so my intention is to mess with gear changes as little as possible. I will do a lot of boring, however, so the ability to set up at an internal shoulder, plunge a bit, then feed out to the right for a smooth surface without having to time anything is desirable. I'm sure traverse from the center outward is similarly useful, since our perspective is even less informative for tool position front/back (and good old lookin' is a good companion for dials and DROs as a sanity check)
As far as being slower to return to the start of the cut, it's worth mentioning I have no cross slide handle, lol (for now; PM is helping me out, there)
It's not very loud at all, Franko, just not silent-running like the gears. Like I said, it's kind of unusual for that to be the case, that something is louder than the noisy clashing of gears.