Go to a real ENT hearing doctor. Get them to do a bone conduction test. It may be possible to input the sound to the bone, bypassing the normal parts of the ear.
I can believe that for some folks the bone conduction could help, but it just depends on what is wrong with your hearing/ear. I wish this could help me.
Here is probably more than you want to know about the physics of hearing and about how my hearing decayed.
Over the years, I have been to many doctors, had many tests including the bone conduction and several others.... and some ENT and doctors know more than others. When my problems initially started I searched for one who could understand my problems. But none of them had any ideas even after running lots of tests. One of them sent me off for an MRI thinking I had a brain tumor, Nope! However the loud magnet pounding in the MRI destroyed significantly more of my hearing in one ear! So I spent considerable time trying to understand the workings of the ear and what my problems were. Below is a "little" of that.... You will not find a straight forward explanation in any book so I have come up with my own.
So here is my nickels worth. Take it as you will. You know they say you cannot believe anything that is on the internet!
More recently my ENT and the audiologist that works with him did standard hearing tests including bone conduction. Basically the bone conduction shakes the scull, shaking the solution in the Cochlea around the little hair sensors just as the sound waves would do, but less discriminately.
The air sound waves have a more complex path in via the air. Air pressure waves arrive at the outer ear drum. these then vibrate the three bones which deliver the sound energy to the inner ear drum at the Cochlea where the hair sensors line the walls. From the web: .... Outer ear drum (Tympanic) is connected to three bone like linked structures, the Hammer (malleus) - attached to the outer eardrum. Anvil (incus) - in the middle of the chain of bones. Stirrup (stapes) - attached to the membrane-covered opening that connects the middle ear with the inner ear -oval window of the Cochlea....
The Cochlea is the home to the 20,000-30,000 or so sensor hairs. The One nerve connects to each of these hair sensors and then head off to the brain for analysis. As the hair is moved by the sound waves in the liquid, the sensor is activated sending pulses down each nerve. Like most of nature the hearing evolved to be pretty much optimized. The sound wave lengths in air are quite long and so will not fit inside the inner ear. So the outer ear drum has air on both sides and so can move with the pressure wave. The connected malleus (hammer) is connected to this ear drum and so is shaken by the ear drum motion. It passe this mechanical motion on to the incus (anvil) which is then passes the mechanical motion on to the stapes (Stirrup). The stapes is connected to the Cocheal via a membrane that makes pressure waves in the Cochlea liquid. By going from air to the liquid via the mechanical connections the long wavelength of air are translated into short wavelengths of liquid (higher density shorter wavelengths). Hence the sound wave can fit into the Cochea. So I vision the hairs as grass swaying in water. Their anchoring root is at the wall of the Cochlea and this is at the connection to the individual nerve. As it moves/sways it causes the nerve to fire. The physical shape of the Cochlea determines to some degree which wave lengths arrive at which hair sensor! Hence, it works like an electronic spectrum analyzer. The farther down into the narrow part of the Cochlea only high frequencies can reach. Hence, the smaller, delicate, hairs reside here. The bigger, tougher, ones are for the low frequencies so they reside at the wider early part of the Cochlea. Since the little hairs are not suppose to move very far this is basically why they die first, especially when you have been exposed to really loud, high power, sounds. The brain knows/evolved which nerve is providing pulses and so knows high from low frequency by the sensor's physical location in the Cochlea. The brain knows the intensity/loudness by how many sensors are transmitting. If a lot of the bigger hairs are waving then their is a loud low frequency sound. Likewise for the smaller hair sensor numbers provide the intensity level for the high frequencies. As the high frequency sensors are destroyed by loud sounds (or other things like some illnesses) there are fewer and fewer of them sending real signals and so we loose sensitivity. The hearing plot (Bode plot) that the Audiologist show us, rolls off with frequency. When they are all gone we cannot hear anything at the high frequencies.
The brain gets involved. There is another function for those three connecting bones. There are two tendons/muscles connected to them. When the brain senses that the sounds are too loud and that they might damage the sensors, the brain activates the muscles, clamping down on the bones to prevent the transmission of the energy to the inner ear and protecting the sensors! For example, when a loud impulse occurs, like a gun shot or a musical cymbal the brain anticipates more loud sounds and so shuts down the hearing for a few milliseconds, but of course it is probably too late for that one sound. CD technologys use this fact in the music compression process... to store more music per disk, likewise the army uses this to protect tank operators a bit more from the explosion sounds. Just before firing a shell they send a sound pulse to the operators ears to cause the muscles to be contracted when the shell fires. The first tank operators went deaf pretty quickly. More importantly when you speak, especially loudly, or shout, the brain anticipates this loudness and protects the sensors.) The brain knows when the signal comes in one one side and so communicates to the other the other ear to cause the muscles to also react. When a nerve is activated it puts out a constant stream of pulses, only a fixed propagation velocity can travel through the nerve, and so at a fixed number of pulses per second. So neither sound amplitude nor frequency can arrive at the brain simply by the nerve's pulse rate. I think loudness comes via by the sheer number of sensors sending signals that arrive. Frequency is derived via where the sensor location in the curved shaped Cochlea. So no sensors results in no sound. Lost of sensors in only physical portions of the Cochlea causes loss of only some frequencies.
The ear, the nerves and the brain function are very interconnected and complex. A loud sound in one ear causes nerve and muscle reactions at the other ear to try protect the sensor hairs. If the protection mechanism fails then loud sounds get to the sensors and destroys them. Likewise, with old age they just fail or have been destroyed by use... which are most older folks real problems. Tinnitus (described as white noise, multiple ringing noises, or hiss) is just the multitude of nerves firing signals to the brain, when the hair sensors are no longer functioning properly to control this input. There are lots of possible symptoms and these commonly depend upon your state of well being.
That is 5 cents worth, but there is more to it if you want to search.
In my case, I suffer from TMJ, joint disorder of the jaw. (temporomandibular (tem-puh-roe-man-DIB-u-lur) joint) . All of the facial nerves, hearing, taste, smiles, facial muscles etc. pass through the skull just in front of the ear and just above or at this joint. The TMJ can cause inflammation and swelling and can so can pinch off these nerves. This is what happened to me as it pinched off the protection to the ears by not clamping down on the muscles to the bones. While lecturing my right ear suddenly started ringing very loudly. I think that the nerves and muscles to the bones were actually causing the bones to vibrate (spasm). It was a single frequency ringing... very unusual... not like tinnitus. This may have destroyed some of the sensors, but more importantly there was no longer any protection from my own talking, singing or shouting nor any other loud sound. I could even physically feel this contraction just in front of my ear. If I stroked it with my fingers sometimes the problem would get better. While I lost a lot of my hearing in my right ear from this, due to my age my left ear has now almost caught up in its degradation.
So I just do not have many functioning sensors left. However, the nerves still function as I "hear" tinnitus, especially when tired. I no longer hear the monotone ringing as those sensors are gone!
With all this in mind, what do you think is going to come of all the young folks who go to rock concerts or turn up the sound to their ear buds. The muscles to protect their ears get tired and quit functioning after a little while. It is a great picture for the hearing aid manufacturers! Likewise, when you use hearing aids you are simply turning up the volume/power to the few sensors that are left. So hearing aids probably accelerate the damage. But you have few choices.
Sorry, too long, too much sharing!
Dave L.