Even if the count is lowered through a filter, the X-rays that do make it through are undiminished. They will still end up in the Fe or Co buckets. We can use an absorber as thick as practical. We might only have to wait more seconds if the filter is present, and the software can change the time of the test sample duration based on the fact a particular filter is there.
.. Calibrated by using a piece of Kosher (??) iron with and without the filter - maybe!
If one suspects there may be a particular element in the alloy, but at a low count - or even if the identification algorithm sees a combination that suggests the element should be present to complete a high probability identification, then all buckets
except for the energy range corresponding can be shut down, and the guessed at element "looked for".
I think I shall increase the number of sources to 8, because I think more is better, and the octagon version of tilted pockets is easier to drill.
Can anyone suggest a machining procedure for my version of a sensor head. Given the "all directions" nature of 60KeV gamma, would it not just be simpler to drill the pockets parallel to the axis, and still have it work OK? I was trying for a sensor head as compact as possible. Some of my first thoughts had it about the diameter of a paint can. This kit can work OK, for larger sample shapes, with a push-on funnel-type tube extension.
I wonder how it would do with a container of liquid as a test object?
Does not X-Ray energy signatures also work for chemical groups - or is that a strictly infra-red thing?
Would having a alternative connectable sensor head with a small filament lamp source, and a IR detector photodiode, but retaining a switched-in version of the electronics and software parameters have it change it's spots into becoming a FTIR substances analyzer?
(Sorry - I caught the "getting WAY ahead" bug
[Edit: Also not sure one can have Kosher, Halal, or any other kind of religiously approved Iron ]