Re: The Si(PM) with plastics has very interesting links to the detector amplifiers and diodes.It would be interesting to experiment with. There are some indications that plastic scintillators may not be very good for detecting low-energy gamma/x-rays -- take a look at this: open-physics plastic scintillator test. They describe an attempt to see the 59Kev gammas from americium, which was a bust. Doesn't bode well for the ~6Kev photons we're interested in, although the plastic should be somewhat more absorptive compared to the primary gamma (a built-in energy filter???). A composite detector, plastic + high-Z scintillator powder, might work better. It IS interesting that they are using a reflective wrap around the scintillator to increase the light collection efficiency. Their approach looks simple but effective.....right up my alley.
Don't buy PEN from Goodfellow -- they want an arm and a leg (maybe more) for their stuff. I can't believe how expensive EVERYTHING is there. They sure aren't selling to hobbyists.
I note they wrapped the plastic in foil to increase the probability of capture.
The scintillation efficiency of Na(Tl) in producing about photons of visible from a photon of X-ray is around 40%
This compares to LYSO and plastic scintillators at about 8%.
I agree we need to take care of background noise, and diode noise as best we can. Fortunately, very good op-amps and other ICs are available at low cost.
Sloppy Arithmetic
In the context of using PMTs, I am still kicking around some loose back-of-a-napkin style calculations
Start with even a "loud" X-Ray photon, say about 50KeV. Even at 100% efficiency, that can only deliver 50,000 electrons.
Now lose 60% of the energy in a Na(Tl) crystal. We are at 20KeV distributed in some new number of visible photons, perhaps 20 or 40, but let us imagine that is the lump we have. There is the photocathode efficiency, and I have no idea what that might be. Suppose we say it is also 0.4. It might be 0.2, who knows?
We are left with as few as 8000 electrons into the first dynode. This does not sound like much, but a "blue" light photon is only 3 electrons worth. The trip to each dynode speeds them up with about 100eV of kinetic energy, and every collision yields maybe 4 to 7 new extra electrons. The whole 12-stage PMT might have a gain of 10^8
8000 electrons is 1.28E-15 Amps, or 0.00128 pico-Amps. At the other end arrives 0.128uA, which is more like something we can use.
I would use a low noise transimpedance op-amp to capture this. It is small, but OK. Easier perhaps than a Ph meter.
Yes - I know this is a sloppy first order shot, just to get a feel for it. It is a long time since I did op-amp design with currents so small it was easier to use electron counts. For those who can appreciate that a single electron can take a week to get around a circuit, but the energy arrives at a large fraction of the speed of light - I think the analogy of hitting a cue ball into a straight line of placed snooker balls helps.