I believe the visible-light photons generated by an x-ray photon are emitted at random angles. Given the usual scintillator/detector geometry, it won't be possible to collect photons emitted away from the detector (if they don't exceed the angle needed for TIR). So you are inherently limited to the ones that either directly make it to the detector, or are reflected back into it (again, if their direction in the crystal results in TIR from the sides of the crystal). A thinner detector could have improved geometrical aspects, basically a greatly-reduced "side reflection" component. A specialized form of ray tracing program for optics might shed some light on this question. I have a copy of Goptical, which is a package for ray-tracing optical systems, but haven't used it enough (not any, in fact) to know if it could be used for this. Maybe a user-defined light source A.K.A. a "scintillator" is possible.
@homebrewed Re: The first part.
Consider first a thin crystal. I don't know if one X-ray photon slamming into a crystal atom (molecule?) will beat it up enough to yield more than one photon of visible, but let us say for the moment it is only one, in a random direction.
The fraction that makes it to the photocathode are those from a wide solid angle, almost a hemisphere.
Now imagine add a small thickness. The photons from the layer next to the photocathode will still behave as before, but this time augmented by another layer's worth, able to collect a slightly smaller solid angle fraction of the slice volume, and those will be slightly attenuated by the light loss through the first slice.
.. and so on.
We might get up a calculus integration to provide an expression, and discover a maximum, if there is one.
Speaking of optics, I had wondered if it might be possible to collect more light (which appears to improve energy resolution) by placing the scintillator at one of the foci of an elliptical mirror. Place the detector at the other focal point and (perhaps) enjoy better energy resolution.
Once we have visible light happening in a crystal volume, I can see value in using metal reflective sides, to re-direct light back into the crystal. Consider also the X-Rays coming at the crystal input. Even if they included X-rays that were made from a gamma slamming into aluminum in the test sample, the X-Rays will go right through a thin aluminum into the crystal, but the scintillator light going the "wrong" direction will get reflected back into through the crystal, to end up at the photocathode.
Making reflective optics of the kind you suggest would be worthwhile if the size of the photocathode was a point region focus, but instead, it is a large disc. Not so if it is a small Si(PM) diode. In that case yes, make one surface curved - or use a lens - or use a plastic light pipe
Covering the scintillator with metal (which they do) is an approximation to an "integrating sphere" where all that makes it into the inside can only come out one hole.
Doing what you suggest could be a great idea to gather wayward photons heading out of the crystal in unfortunate directions, back onto a small area silicon at the focus. Goptical may be able to show (say) 8 rays, starting from a source inside a crystal volume, going in various directions, to test the reflector. Aluminium is, in this case, a frequency selective surface.
You happen upon what I do - i.e. "The dishes"!
Ignore the (expensive) little black random circles, which are there for photogrammetric surface measurement.
The feed at the prime focus is of a frequency that can pass right through the smaller dish. The feed down in the middle of the main dish at the Cassegrain focus is of a frequency that can only reflect off the smaller dish.
Inside the smaller optic dish is dichroic frequency selective surface tchnology - a microwave array. This arrangement is somewhat equivalent to X-ray photons going through aluminium, but visible light unable to.
We have one answer to the question about why thin crystals.
.. From Lucian's colleague Stanislov.
" - - - - - - -
[9/6, 11:47] Stanislav: To cut high energy background and minimize light losses
[9/6, 11:48] Stanislav: At low energies, crystal has no active volume but an active surface
And this is all! For XRF we need a thin and whide. 25x5mm for me Is a good compromise but I know that Advantech UK makes also 1mm thick cristalls with Be window.
" - - - - - - - -
My thought on that is the compromise can be shifted considerable by limiting the high background energy possibilities into the test sample region - say with a sheet of lead under the test sample.
I think Stan means that at low energies, the X-Rays don't penetrate the sintillator crystal, but only work at it's surface.
Huh?? I dunno about that!
Once the scintillator has made light, a very large fraction will travel on through it. They are glass-clear!
A pause now - while I scramble some hardware together.