I had a chance to play with my new SMT rework stuff, but found that the solder flux + solder wick and my normal fine-tipped soldering iron worked better. I guess there's a bit of a learning curve there. The rework station allows you to set the temperature and air flow on the hot air gun; and it also lets the user set the soldering iron temperature.
I did confirm that one of the corner pins was bent over & shorting to an adjacent data-out pin. That's been fixed, and here's the result:
View attachment 438085
Initially I had the sampling rate too low so I was seeing some aliasing between the signal generator's steps, which are (an optimistic) 14 bit signal. This plot is for a 20KHz input sampled at 500KSPS.
I think the artifacts seen at the peaks are from the sig gen, not my ADC.
When the input is shorted the output is all zeroes so I guess I got lucky w/the AD8655 I put on the board....