You are right on the money regarding my initial dismay at seeing all zeroes. I was expecting some (hopefully small) number of LSBs bouncing around. Still wondering if there's some sort of negative offset that is artificially lowering the noise floor. I'm going to do some testing with a plain old potentiometer to see how the ADC behaves once I increase the input enough to start seeing some action, bit-wise.This is all getting good - except for the bent pin.
Getting all zeros when the input is shorted is, in concept, what is supposed to happen.
I practice, if all zeros happens, without at least some activity in the last two or three bits, that is cause to suspect something might not be all OK.
If all is well, you should sometimes see the LSB +/- 1 uncertainty.
A count of as low as 20 is more than 70dB down on a 2.5V reference, yet would be jangling the last five bits.
A count as low as (say) 5, (101), is 82dB down, and claimed SNR is 89dB, so a shorted input might give all zeros.
Except for the assembly mishap, I think you are doing great!
Re: The signal generator waveform. I am not sure about 27 bits. We only have 16.
1mV p-p out of a 2.5V reference is 2500 count, which requires 12 bits.
It can be tricky to deliver a signal generator signal in clean without also bringing in at least some unwanteds, and when it is reduced to only 1mV, they may start to show.
I still think you are acing this!
Regarding my comments regarding the apparent resolution issue, a little online searching revealed that my signal generator's output has a resolution of 14 bits. That explains it all right there. Oh, BTW, when I mentioned "27 bits" I was talking about LSB's not 2^27
I made a stab at using the polish wire trick but couldn't get the wire (a thin piece of nichrome wire) around the bent portion of the pin. But I haven't given up quite yet. The thought occurs to me that I may be able to get it behind both affected pins. But before I embark on that, I'm going to buy some solder flux to help prevent the otherwise-inevitable solder bridging.
The 1.5" diameter ABS rod I ordered for my "new & improved" focus ring should be arriving soon; and my additional 8 sources are claimed to be arriving today. So I have other stuff to do -- along with a laundry list of domestic things. The glazing on our greenhouse has severely degraded due to UV and at least one panel has just plain fallen apart (assisted by a tree branch) so it all needs to be replaced. This time with glazing that actually has UV protection, unlike the cheap stuff that came with the Harbor Freight greenhouse kit.
I have a little 4" battery-powered Makita saw that's perfect for cutting the panels to size. It is meant for cutting ceramic tile and cement board so the blade turns quite slowly, perfect for cutting plastic as well. I have a carbide-tipped 4" blade for it in addition to a diamond blade.. Turned around backwards, it cuts the stuff nicely